Will My Fish Be Okay Together?

the fish store recommended that idea probaly just to make more money, since you would have to buy the small bala sharks in schools, and then buy the food and then when you give them back you would probaly lose about 5 dollars per fish so that wouldn't be fair to you or the fish. just ask the store to take them back.
Yeah im going to after thinking about it. Not really fair to do that im going to re-home them in the next few days one is getting bullied a bit from the swarm of tiger barbs
I am really curious as to what type of frogs you have - - African Dwarf Frogs are "OK" in a fish tank but really deserve their own set up. African Clawed Frogs are not at all compatible in a set up like yours. Do you know what you have?
There dwarf frog, i dont see them very often theres lots of places for them to hide out, same with my amano shrimp i see them a lot then dont see them at all they go through phases of aearing and hiding
Quick update i have a tank cycling now for the frogs to go into so they should be okay now.

I have my lights on a timer from 6am - 8:05am is blue moonlight, 8am - 8pm is white light and from 7:55pm to 11:59pm is blue moonlight again then 11:59pm - 6am is darkness is this okay for the fish or should i drop the blue light to 10pm? Or maybe vary the times? It was set to 10 but i like to look at my fish at night time so i took it up to 12pm
12 hours of white light will result in lots of algae especially if you have live plants - most people I spoke to reccomended 6-8 hours of daylight.

Never had blue lights so can't comment on them.
The blue light is led its only dim it is really for a transition between lights on to lights off more than anything heres a pic.

I have amano shrimp and algea eaters so algea shouldnt be too much of a problem i think ill set the white lights to come on 10am-8pm now though
They won't eat any algae on the glass and there are also plenty of types of algae they won't eat wherever it is.
12 hours of white light will result in lots of algae especially if you have live plants - most people I spoke to reccomended 6-8 hours of daylight.

Never had blue lights so can't comment on them.

As stated here, 12 hours is WAY too long!

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