On-Line Fish Shopping, UK...No! No! No!

I should probably quantify my experiences...

1 - When I first got my last tank I bought a shoal of purple emperor tetras (kerri),only to get home and find out one of them was a black emperor tetra(palmeri).

2- when watching for a particular species I was told they had none of them but she recommended a harlequin that had nothing to do with my original request.
Naming shops is not a problem. But a comment shouldn't say "this shop is terrible" it should say "this shop is terrible, this is my experience with this shop". Giving evidence which can't be argued with is the important bit. This is why I usually say 'this shop has a poor reputation' rather than 'this shop is terrible' when I haven't been inside it, or in the case of a chain when I haven't been inside every branch.
Praising shops is fine as well :)
Not every online shop is like the parasitic idiots that sell these starter packs.
To get a wide variety of family tree for my fish I’ve ordered from a few. I prefer to pick the fish up in person though.
Im not sure of the forums attitude to mentioning shop names so won’t.
Yes mostly the more professional ones (not all) in the us here are good and have nice prices and also are safe to browse on (not a lot of annoying ads)
I mean like 4 dollars for a dragon scale betta (somethijg like that)

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