Will A 36" Light Fit On A 30" Tank


New Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Is there a way I can get a 36" light to fit on a 30" tank? I only ask this because I found a nice 36" light hood that is a T6 with 80wats of light. Does anyone know if it will fit or if I can get a way to make it fit?
I would just use two small pieces of square wood. Place them on the glass top then place the light on top of them. Or you could try hanging it above the tank.

Also 80 watts is quite a bit for a 30" tank, if it is a 30gal or bigger you should be ok. But if it is a 20gal, you are most likely going to have lots of algae problems if you don't have CO2.
if you slap dash it of course it will fit you can make most things fit doesnt mean it will look nice

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