Why Is My Aquarium Water Not Crystal Clear?

+1 hehe... I don't mind the tannins in my tank either, but I do admit, before I figured out what was causing it, I was a tad bit freaked out haha. I can see why some people aren't crazy about their tanks having yellow water too though. Weekly water changes help too.
Water is visibly almost crystal clear, I have a little bacterial bloom that makes the water look a little milky, thats because I've added some tetra safestart which I add once in a while when working on the filter. It keeps getting clearer and clearer though.

Big thank you to Bigfish!
when my water clouded up and looked like yours it did turn out to be algae bloom i just got some filter boost for my tank and that cleared it up within 48 hours
Yeah, was just going to mention that the cloudiness have nothing to do with the tannins. Water can be crystal clear and brown from tannins. Hopefully you sorted it out, probably some type of algae/bacterial bloom. I've used tetra safestart numerous times and I never got cloudy water from it besides when you just pour the contents in the tank which lasts seconds.
There is a good chance that it is an algae bloom, about a week ago I woke up only to find my wood covered in algae and hair algae all over my plants. When I put in that api biochemzorb in the water became so green that you couldn't even see the other side and slowly the water became more and more clear my hopes that within a few days it will be totally clear.
the next time I visit petsmart I will be sure to buy at least one Otto, my last otto survived for a month and then died suddenly.
Ottos are tricky. Your tank has to be heavy planted. I hear bristlenose plecs are really good for a lot of dif types of algae and much easier as well. GL!
OH my.. yeah they are greenmumma. I put those two bn's in my tank last night because i dosed ferts for the first time sunday and I had a huge outbreak of brown algae. got home from work last night and they ate over half of the visible algae off the rocks and glass. Holy cow! and I even gave them algae wafers to munch on too last night. Could not believe it. they are just roaming all over the tank. cleaning the heaters, pipes from the filters. never seen such a hungry fish! ha
I was always wondering what's up with those bristelnose plecos. All my fish have a quiet period when they presumably "sleep" but my albino bristlenose is all over the place constantly, super hyper fish.
My BN is much more sedate now. I think being full grown he's lost a lot of his appetite and now just hides most of the day under my driftwood. That's his spot, and he knows it.

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