Why Have A 90g When You Can Have 300?

the house was built in 94 in FL, its a solid concrete foundation with tile floors and no basement so nothing to worry about there

Cheater :rolleyes: :lol:

Whereabouts in florida? Curious if you live anywhere near my aunt/uncle.

And wow, good thing you're getting a 300g tank with that panther grouper :hyper:
the panther grouper will be GONE as soon as he can fit any of the other fish in his mouth.

i live in central florida on the east coast near cocoa beach

i rented the uhaul cargo van and drove 60 miles this morning to pick it up. it took 4 of us to get it onto the uhaul and i just arrived back home. now i gotta figure out the rest.
after a lot of planning (and fence removal) we managed to get it into the house and on the stand!

now i will begin to replumb and hopefully have everything in the tank tonight. late tonight.
here she is in my living room ready to be filled!

the sump is a 125g (for comparison)

wow things are moved fast cant wait to see it up and running
grats! thats an absouletly amazing price!
really nice tank, i cant wait to see the final tank.
and for the record some panther groupers stop growing around a foot and never get any bigger, whos to say yours will get HUUUGEEE?
:hyper: Thats a beast of a tank!! All 3 of mine wouldn't even fill your sump :blink: Looking forward to see what you do with it :good: Water change day will suck!!!

Congratulations on getting the big one! What kind of skimmer have you thought about putting on the tank? Is this going to be a fish only?
im just finishing up a diy monster skimmer made out of an old 3ft tall pool filter...ill make a thread for it in a few with some pics

its going to be a reef tank

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