Why Have A 90g When You Can Have 300?


Fish Crazy
Aug 25, 2006
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yes, the inevitable upgrade. i have found a killer deal on a 300g tank/stand

96" long 30" tall 24" wide with 1/2" glass
center 4-sided overflow
125g partitioned sump in the stand
pump and plumbing included
2x250w MH ballast that i will add to my current 2x250w mh

i will be refacing the stand with oak and staining it mocha brown. ill also build a matching canopy to house 4 250w halides

fun times..

heres a pic of the tank as it is now in the guys house that im buying from:

Sweet, I knew you'd get a bigger one Ikon :D. Can't wait to see how this one turns out.
jesus that thing wouldnt fit in my front room, jealous :)
this is gonna be a quality thread to watch i cant wait to see how it turns out
chapter 9, parafix 9 of Mark : And ikon shall be resurected :D. Buy it for us who cant have a tank that big ;)
Same size as mine... and I love it.

The only problem is... you know how HARD its going to be to upgrade next time...
atmmachine...he originally wanted $1200 for it, got him down to 1000, then we settled on $700 plus my current 90g empty with stand/canopy
all of my current livestock at first..

125 lbs live rock
sailfin tang, blenny, dragon wrasse, niger trigger, porcupine puffer, blue damsel, maroon clown, panther grouper and slippery dick wrasse
also all of my corals frogspawn, zoos, xenia, mushrooms, kenya tree, monti cap, and whatever else there is

i plan to keep only the 125 lbs of LR, get a huge skimmer and keep a lot of fish and room for them to swim and fill up all of the rocks with coral

ill post pics tommorow probably!
WOW! The very first thing that came 2 mind was.. I wonder where or what house upgrade are you going 2 do? only the water weight is 2500lbs :crazy: Im sure u have a plan.. can u share with me what it is? lol
the house was built in 94 in FL, its a solid concrete foundation with tile floors and no basement so nothing to worry about there

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