Why do you name your fishes?


Fish Addict
Jun 30, 2004
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Bedford, England
Sorry, for asking such an 'obvious' question, but why do people name their fishes?

I enjoy all my fishes, and especially learning their individualism, but, for the life of me, sometimes find it difficult to identify one fish from another.

I find it 'strange' when people can identify individuals in a group of fishes of the same species.

How long does a person have to scare, sorry....stare at them, before they know who's who?

PS my Leopard Danios have become easier to identify...half-tail, 'v'-tail, scraggy, fatso-bird, flipper, chubby-chix, bloke1, bloke2, and bloke 3. :lol:
i name all my fishies cuz they are all individuals....except for the school fishies of course. lol. the school of minnows in my 5 gal are named "the jets"...it was supposed to be benny and the jets, but benny died just last week :'(

then i got the tin foils whom i named "the reynolds". all my betta's obviously have their own name...they are all named for their looks.

dragon has dark colors that remind me of a dragon.
scraggle has a scraggly jumble of red white and blue on his fins.
sunset is a beautiful yellow/blue/orangeish mix (mustard gas) that reminds me of...you guessed it! a sunset!
silk, when i first got him, had a pure white color that made him look as smooth as silk.
split (new dude) my bf bought him thinkin he was a split tail...but it was just a rip...ugh...i'm trying to get rid of him...I DON'T WANT HIM!!!
chamile reminded me of a chamileaon(sp?) cuz she's so constantly changing from horizontal, to dark colors, to vertical....crazy girl!
maggie, the name just popped in my head and seemed to fit her...her nick name is lil ***** cuz she has major attitude problems.

my big ol albino catfish's name is demon because of his outstanding bright red eyes.
guru sounded like a good name for a gourami...lol.
the meanies are my 2 sunfish, who are really mean...hence the title "the meanies"!
and the pleco, we just call "sucker fishy"...er somethin like that.

theres only 1 fish without a name and thats our goldfish from the carnival, which i expected to die when we got it! hmmm....i'll make up a name now...umm....goldie? if anyone can think of somethin better that i like, i'll name it that :rolleyes:
I name some of my fish. I named my Ropefish RoofusII after Roofus, my friend's Ropefish who sadly died. :byebye: But anyways, He's my favorite fish. :)
I named My tiger barbs when they were little(they are easy to identify) but I don't even remember the names. :lol:

Daveo :flex:
I only name extra special fish My gudgeons are special, so Mo, and little mo are their names. I also name my bettas. As for a group...I call my Serpae tetras the Stupid 6 :whistle:
I don't name my fish but I can tell them apart from each other. All the otos have different markings at the base of the caudal fin and the puffers have such different personalities that it's impossible to get them confused.
i name all my fishies. personally, it's to claim them as mine and sorta give them an identity as opposed to "the orange one" or "fish#2" :blink:
I name mine to make it fun for the kids. They think everything needs a name.
cjmartin_72 said:
I name mine to make it fun for the kids. They think everything needs a name.
thats right you go kids.....lol
I named all of mine.... all but the 63 fry who as 63 names
Ok Ok so I did name one of the babies Miss Piggy I can't help it shes a fat little thing......all the fry is known as the Babies!!!!

these are the ones that died (from FinRot, Ick, hole in the head and other things
oldest 3 yrs Raggedy
1 year Miss Priss
two 7 month old
Liberty.... and LiL-Lill
4 males three 8 months
one 5 month old male
my all time Fav

Adult Male thats living
Skippy ------in the pic below
Ok Ok so I did name one of the babies Miss Piggy I can't help it shes a fat little thing......all the fry is known as the Babies!!!!

:rofl: that would be too many names to think of. I have about 25 fry that I will not name yet.
my fish are names for what they look like.

big bertha
lucky guy

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