Why Cycle A Tank


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Maastricht, Holland
ok, while i am considering of cycling my tank for a week or more, i have this question:

howcome the majority of people who buy aquariums dont even bother cycling their tank and their fish do fine?
Somtimes there fish seem fine, but you can not see the internal signs.
Humans can seem fine, but have diseases that are not noticed till its to late.
So I would rather have peace at mind knowing my fish are happy and healthy, rather than slowly being poisioned.

who doesnt cycle?
are you meaning fishless cycle?
i did a fish-in cycle with some hardy fish and that was fine, but everyone has to cycle, you cant just buy any old fish and stick them in, becuase if you are stupid enough to dfo that then you wont do water changes and then you will get issues
i was thinking that aswell. lol
haha...tht is why i want to find out, on this forum everyone seems so concerned about cycling their tank, however the petshop is never concerned nor are other aquarium fish holders... they say that bacteria needs to grow in your tank, but the plants you buy for your tank have already bacteria on them...
true, people dont cycle there tanks no....
but the fact is, more than anything the fish wont be thriving, more like surviving......

if you was to take this approach then although you may look at them as ''just fish'' they are very sensative to any poor water quality.
you may not see it, but the fish will deffinatley no about it,

there are many cases where people have not cycled there tanks and there fish do die.
however, you can get away with it, by having no more than say 2 fish, but all the same it means constant water changes to keep the levels good.

whats wrong with cycling the tank anyways?
cant see a problem unless you have fish living in buckets and its essential to get them in a tank now.

patience friend :)
i do have patience but i was curious...and if i monitor the water everyday and the conditions are fine (readings 0) then that means the water is fine, and the fish are not being poisoned
i was thinking that aswell. lol
haha...tht is why i want to find out, on this forum everyone seems so concerned about cycling their tank, however the petshop is never concerned nor are other aquarium fish holders... they say that bacteria needs to grow in your tank, but the plants you buy for your tank have already bacteria on them...

decor has very little amounts of bacteria on them, why would the petshop be concerned, all they are after is your money, nol cycling= fish deaths= more money you spend on medications, more fish etc.

just chuck a load of fish in your tank and see what happens

decor has very little amounts of bacteria on them, why would the petshop be concerned, all they are after is your money, nol cycling= fish deaths= more money you spend on medications, more fish etc.

true, very true
there has been to many posts explaining this,
so i suggest people go read them..... i did and it was great help when i was a beginer
As AdAndrews said, pet and fish shops aren't concerned about you cycling tanks. As a none cycled tank means fish deaths and disease which means more money for them.

Also I think the statement 'Most people don't cycle their tanks' is untrue.
I think if you gave every new fishkeeper all the facts on cycling and on both fishless and fish-in cycling then 80% would choose fishless cycling.

The reason 'most' people don't cycle is because the shops don't tell them about it.

Ps. Any trace amounts of ammonia or nitrite (which WILL be in the water in a fishless cycle at the beginning even if they don't register on the kit), can cause harm. I don't see the point of risking causing harm when you could go with the easier option of fishless cycling.
I personally have never done a fishless cycle. I just add a small amount of hardier fish (the bigger the tank and smaller the fish and more gradual the safer it is), do fairly frequent big water changes, add more fish a few days later and keep building on this.

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