Who's Better At Hiding,oto's Or Amano's?

Sorry, I think the exclamation confused me :/ right yeah, same here mine are 4+
I have 5 amano and 4 otto in my 3ft tank with loads of hiding places and plants and they never "hide" usually see at least 3 shrimps every day and all the ottos go around in a group, there must be something wrong in your tank if they never come out, any predators?
My Otto's are always on the glass or plants at the front of the tank.

My Amanos are very rarely seen.

just to clarify.The Amano's have only been in a week and are about 1½" (i picked biggest i could find). They to, have set up residence on the moss covered driftwood.
I know where they are, just rarely see them.No, i'm not worried about them.Bolivian rams are the only biggish thing in here.
I was being slightly mischievous about the Otos.Most of my stem/broad leaf plants are at the back.So that's where they tend to hang out.
It's a busy tank, with lots of places to hide.

We have a cory cat that's always hiding. He doesn't come out much. He only comes out to feed. He's like a fish ninja.
We have a cory cat that's always hiding. He doesn't come out much. He only comes out to feed. He's like a fish ninja.

Do you only have one? Cos that would be the reason it never comes out.
Yes. He's the only one in a community tank. But come to think of it, he's brave when he wants to be. But that tank is way overstocked and we're going to have to remove some fish first. We were told you can put goldfish in a 10 gal... Ugh
. So now we have to remove them before we can get anymore. The tank levels are good but once the goldfish start growing we really need to return them before they become living dividers
. Too bad. They're really cute right now.
Corys are highly social species and very active all the time when in a group, so I suggest you either rehome it or get a few more of the same kind.
And goldfish really don't belong in a tropical community tank.

I never knew that corys were social
. Great...

Groups of a minimum of 6. They live in huge numbers in the wild.

If your tank is overstocked it might be kinder to make it one of the fish you rehome.
Well it's not me that owns the tank. It's someone else in my family. But I'll be sure to tell
Oh ok well if they have only been in a week then i guess that could be the reason, and i see (nice tank) that is really is properly heavily planted so i guess it would be hard to see them, but i had my amanos for about a year and put 2 golden rams in and i didnt see the amanos for 3 weeks! untill i removed the rams, they then came out instantly :shout:

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