
a update for ya , ick all clear now for 5 days .the night i wrote last post his 2 spots fell off and not had any since so yayyyyy saved 1 of the 3 loaches .. really happy!!! 2 platties are looking good
on a down side my apple snails just both decided to die,
so happy looks like ich finally gone
tank temp still at 30 ,, so will start taking temp down at weekend slowely too 28 . which someone mentioned to me thats a good temp to help keep ick at bay , weather it will or not i dont know

but all ur advice was good and helped me in my manic times of starting up my aquarium
this weekend coming i will move the 3 remainder neons back to main tank they been clear over a week now ( when i have reduced tempto match this one at 28)

they are currently in a tank with loads of young guppys and a few even younger mollys .. LOL
i bought a new tank at weekend a 30L my new quarantine one so scrapped the old one will use old one as a hossy one only .. but the bloke i bought the tank off had a tank of 100s of young and babies of mollys and guppies mixed lol ..he gave me a bag full to bring home

they really doing well
will start transfering them in main slowely also .. maybe moving 3 at a time over the course of a few weeks lol according to size , i have a cple that are big enough already for main tank but some that are too small lol
Anyway as i have said before and many times Thankyou all so much for ur help

its been really good advice and has helped me alot