Bless Him.
I agree with other members, you need to keep doing water changes. The stress will just weaken his immune system even more.
Soak his food in garlic juice to boost his immune system.
I do hope he pulls throw this, but it not sounding to hopeful.
You done your best.
Good Luck.
hi wilder
i think we have messed the tank up

yesterday hubby added bacteria because lfs said it will help with the ammo , prior to that ..nitrite levels was always 0 never seen them at anything else in main tank . but the ammo no matter how many 50% water changes we have done this week ..they wont go down
so after adding this bacteria , obviously today its gone crazy with reads which u have read
we did another water change prioe to the one i did this morning
now readings are
Ammo .25
nitrate 20-40
Nitrites its now reading at 1
ph 7.6
hubby said will adding more bacteria into tank (pure aquarium balls ) help with getting the rest of the levels down
or did the lfs tell us wrong to add these to tank in first place

i think he told hubby to add these as ammo wouldnt get lower than .25 , its been this level since ich was about
im so lost with this now ;S i not sure what is the best way forward , i will do another big water change tomorrow morning! 50%
then continue till i get a zero reading on nitrites ..
but i think that lfs has given hubby not sure if good or bad advise by adding the aquarium balls , but he told hubby the ammo wont go down cos there wasnt ,isnt enough bacteria in tank to break down the ammo