White Fluff In Tank.............

ok, i tested the water and the ph is...(man i was off......).....7.5........is that good because i know livebearers r suppose to be in 7.0-7.2........ and im holding it now

p.s. i got my supply today *dance*

What's pH got to do with your problems, get the main 3 tested (Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate)...

New supply of what, I hope that's not fish

edit: I give up, Wilder, you're on your own...good luck
ok, i hav good news and bad news.............the good news is the rest of my fish that survived (4/14 :-() are good and healthy and my water quality is normal (all of it! the ph, nitrate, ammonia, all of them), but the bad news is that the air pump is producing too many bubbles and when i take it out it feels like it hav a slime coating aound it like the fish, but the bubbles are not bothering them too much.

p.s. i did not buy more fish and the only fish thats left is one of my pregnet females and 3 frys :no:
Do you have water stats yet?
everything except the nitrate.......i don't hav a tester for that. everything it normal because i used the easybalance that stabilize everything and cleared my tank (no more stench! :hyper: ) but what im really trying to figure out is why the air pump hav a slime coat :huh: (feels like it)
Do you mean an air pump that fits on the outside of the tank, which you attach a airstone too.

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