White crap in tank. fish dying (mostly angelfish)


New Member
May 15, 2020
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I've been having this issue in my 65 gallon tank where fish are dying (angelfish) over extended periods of time. They are craping clear/white stuff mixed with their poop. Almost like a sausage casing but with missing sections of poop. Their stomachs start to get bigger and they eventually stop eating and then die. I have completely stripped down my 65 gallon slowly to bare glass and the fish seem to be doing ok with that minus the crap issue. So far im on day 3 of 4 into the treatment with General Cure. From Canada so supplies are pretty limited for meds.

water parameters are usually below 30ppm nitrates

It's either an internal bacterial or internal protozoan infection. You will need anti-biotics or medicated food (containing anti-biotics) to treat internal bacterial infections, and Metronidazole (anti-biotic) for internal protozoan infections.

You are currently using Metronidazole so run the full course of that and if there's no improvement you will need other type of anti-biotic.

Fish do a stringy white poop for several reasons.
1) Internal Bacterial Infections causes the fish to stop eating, swell up like a balloon, breath heavily at the surface or near a filter outlet, do stringy white poop, and die within 24-48 hours of showing these symptoms. This cannot normally be cured because massive internal organ failure has already occurred.

2) Internal Protozoan Infections cause the fish to lose weight rapidly (over a week or two), fish continues to eat and swim around but not as much as normal, does stringy white poop. If not treated the fish dies a week or so after these symptoms appear. Metronidazole normally works well for this.

There is a medication (API General Cure) that contains Praziquantel and Metronidazole.

It's interesting that API and the Californian government have listed Metronidazole as a carcinogen. That's a concern considering it was widely used to treat intestinal infections in people.

Anyway, if you use this or any medication, handle with care, don't inhale the medication, and wash hands with soapy water after treating the fish or working in the tank.

3) Intestinal Worms like tapeworm and threadworms cause the fish to lose weight, continue eating and swimming normally, and do a stringy white poop. Fish can do this for months and not be too badly affected. In some cases, fish with a bad worm infestation will actually gain weight and get fat and look like a pregnant guppy. This is due to the huge number of worms inside the fish.

You can use Praziquantel to treat tapeworm and gill flukes. And Levamisole to treat thread/ round worms. If you can't find these medications, look for Flubendazole, which treats both lots of worms.

Remove carbon from filters before treatment and increase aeration/ surface turbulence to maximise oxygen levels in the water.

You treat the fish once a week for 4 weeks. The first treatment will kill any worms in the fish. The second, third and forth treatments kill any baby worms that hatch from eggs inside the fish's digestive tract.

Treat every fish tank in the house at the same time to prevent cross contamination.

You do a 75% water change and complete gravel clean 24-48 hours after treatment. Clean the filter 24 hours after treatment too.

Do not use the 2 medications together.
I agree with Colin to complete the API General Cure (which contain Praziquantel and Metronidazole) first.

1)If it's still doesn't work, try Levamisole or Flubendazole for internal worms.

For Flubendazole, you can buy this Wormer Plus:


It's very effeective to treat my Discus for internal worms with symptoms of white poops.

2)For internal bacteria, probably you can try Furan.
You have to check more about Furan as I am not sure on this medication.
You may have to mix into the food (if they are still eating).

Flubendazole and Metronidazole probably may have some effects on bacteria but not 100%.
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Take note not to feed your fish with live food that carry worms, parasites/protozoa and bacteria with them.

I have successfully converted all my Discus to eating pellets and flakes only.
But I have 8-9 brands/types of pellets/flakes.
Is there a source that I dont know about in Canada for those medications listed above? I was only able to get General Cure from a guy online who happened to have some left over before the ban in Canada.

The fish are still crapping the clear poop. Today at 3pm est will be the last day of General Cure. I'm not really sure if its working or not because i'm still seeing the clear poop segments in the tank.
I found some medications for Internal Bacteria but I haven't used them before.

1) Interpet Anti Internal Bacteria – Aquarium Treatment No. 9

It seems that Plymouth Discus is also recommending this medication.
See under Swollen Abdomen or Eyes (Bacterial infection):

You can buy from here:

Other medications for internal bacteria:

For Flubendazole:

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