White clouds outside?


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
My mom just bought a nice fountain and I was wondering if white clouds would do good outside or if I should just stick with some feeder goldfish. I live in CA so it's not freezing. It's not huge so that's why I was thinking a nice school of about 15 or so white clouds.
I was thinking of doing the same thing! I read about putting Tropicals outside in the April issue of TFH. So far I have a 25 gallon "pond" with 3 female bettas in it. The temp has been ranging from ~69 at nite to ~79 in the day. I'm hoping to let my guppy fry grow out over the spring/summer. I read that fish are healthier if they are let outside for a short time every year.
I have used an old Dustbin and turned it into a small Pond, in the Front Garden.

Cut the Bin in Half sunk it into soil.
Used same Gravel as in the Garden so that it Blends in.

and A Flag Iris.

Pond has a Filter aswell.
Used a Small Water Feature Pump.

Has been set up since last April and so is nice and cultured with Microrganisms and Plenty of Bloodworms and Daphnia.

I am Going to add 3 WMC and 3 Leopard Danios + A Butterfly Hill Stream Loach and Weather Loach.

From the Danio Family:

Zebras - Yes
Gold - Yes
Leopard - Yes
Pearl - No Too Delicate
Long Finned Zebras - Yes
Blue Danios - Never seen any here so Don't Know.

Don't know what the New Gm strains will be like but A5 May look into Getting some as they already sell Blood Parrots in all Colors.
Well, right now it's pretty cold cuz I live right by the ocean. It's 54F at 11:28 in the morning so I know it must get to about 40F at night. It isn't set up yet so once I get it nice and ready with some live plants I'll take a pic and see what you guys think! Maybe it will be warmer then. There is no filter but I'm sure I could set up some kind of small sponge filter in the bottom of it and change it out every few weeks. The only thing is the bottom can't be covered because my mom bought it because of the mosiac print on the bottom... There is also fairy that spurts water from a shell in her hands but I don't think it will cause too much aggitation.
Dont put glofish outside if it is going to drop below 68 all zebra danios are okay down to 68 deg. fer. but bellow that they get majorly stressed out (67.6 is the magic number) they will survive (50% of the time) in dips to 40 if they are normal and 44 if they are GM reds. But WMC's can live in 40 deg water and and actualy breed at about 55 deg.


I'm out in the desert and it's been in the high 80's-90's for the last week. The lowest the water temp has been is 59F, but for most of the day it's at ~78. I bought a guppy today and cleared everyone out but her. She gave birth on the spot, I think I counted 15 fry or so. Mommy went back into the house. She's recouperating in the "maternity ward". I'll let you know how the fry adjust....
Auratus the fountain pump is sufficient.

That is what i am using.

I tend to go to flea markets and buy water features then redesign using the pumps.

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