White Clouds Go Wacko


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2007
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My tank finished cycling and i put some white clouds mountain minnows in it. i had the light on from 7:30am till 7:00pm and when I turned off the lights my fish went wacko they did backflips doing lap of the tank they were going crazy. Is this normal?
I have never kept these fish before but it doesnt sound like thre is anything wrong.

Some fish are quite sedate and dont move around much. Others though are just completely nuts (I thought White Cloud MM's fell under the sedate category but like I said I have never kept them and never really looked into them too much).

I'm sure someone will be able to confirm this is normal behaviour.
Im sure this is normal, I have kept a small amount of them and did find they were acctually fairly active (not even close to a zebra danio, but still active) and they would have their quiet moments and their wacky moments...

It's due to them settling in, they are simply getting used to the change in lights on/off times etc.
Simple nerves.....

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