White cloud mysterious passing...


Fish Addict
May 15, 2005
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Yesterday all of my fish were fine and happy. I noticed for the 1st time in 5 months that 1 of my white clouds had red lips and a dented head, contrary to the others. Tonight I found him caught in a plant dead. Could the plant have killed him, or was it old age, or was it his dented head, or was it the red tint to his lips?
Please someone help!!!! It happened again today!! I found another, seemingly healthy white cloud dead in the same bush!!!! I think that's what it is but please tell me what you think!!!
when you say dented head, could it be 'hole in the head' disease? I don't know enough to tell you what to look for but you could search for info.

Is your profile up-to-date with regards to tank mates? I can't see any of the ones listed beating them up.

I can't think of anything else I'm afraid.
Was the mouth red inflamed just on the outside or the inside as well, hole it the head it pitting, little pencil pricks if you no what i mean.
His lips weren't inflamed, he just had a small dent in the top of his head, or right behind his head rather. The other fish, on the other hand, was perfectly fine. Yes these are the up to date tank mates... I have no Idea what to do.

My Ph is very high, but my tap is neutral... How does the Ph rise over time like that??? I don't under stand. I did a water change (20%) and that brought it down a little. It was at 7.6-8.0, now it is a little lighter than it was, but still in the same gap ????
Do you have shells in your tank, and do use use any ph products.
No. none of that stuff. Could it be I let the test sit to long? It says wait 30 sec and then compare, but if you let it sit for a while it gets darker and darker due to getting dried out.
Probably left it to long, go with the test kit instructions.

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