White cloud mountain minnows


fancy goldfish rule!!!
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Jersey, Channel Islands, UK
I was sold these as coldwater fish but on some sites it says they do good in community tropical tanks and my other LFS keep them in heated water. so i am confused?

Would they be ok in with tropicals? (neons, guppies, BN plec and apple snail)

What temp range can they live in?

White Cloud Mountain Minnows can be kept in temperatures from 18-22C. So that means in either as coldwater fish or tropical. I would say that in coldwater they do look their best for if kept in too warm conditions they can become stressed and eventually die.
The white clouds will do fine with your chosen fish just make sure that none of them are too mean for white clouds should be kept with peaceful fish. Also try to keep in groups of 8-10 for single specimens tend to sulk away into the corners or dark regions of the tank.
Hope this was helpful.
I'll just add that the name is a clue
they hail from the White Cloud mountain area in China and are therefor used to winter snow melts, that makes their natural streams/rivers very cold at times.
They are actually classified as a sub-tropical fish the same as many danios and a few barbs.
if that is the case ie the snow would they fair well in a small pond then. with my fancy tail goldie, they are currently living with a fancy tail goldie with no problems of being eaten and they get along fine. I have a group of 11 WCMM
if it's an isolated pond then mosquito fish would be ok. I would think that wcmm would do fine too.

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