White Cloud Mountain Minnows


Jun 14, 2004
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I have a 10 gallon tank which I use to house my CFB newt, and it has 5-6 gallons of water. How many WCMM's can I keep in there? I want to get a school of 6, but I know that'd be too many. Can I get away with 3 or 4?

If not, can anyone suggest any fish that can survive in colder temperatures, and doesn't need a lot of room?


I'm not sure but wouldn't the newt eat any fish you put in there?
Nah... He's too slow. He can't even catch the feeder shrimp I put in for him, what more fish...
danio (formerly microrasbora) erythromicron
max adult size 2cm
temp range 21 - 25°C
as with all danios keep in groups of at least 5.
Thanks for that info Wolf! However, I've never seen them being sold at lfs's around me, so I guess I'll have to choose something else. Or just call a few places and see if they actually carry them. What's their common name? If I don't get those, can I keep 3-4 WCMM's in there instead, or would they need to be in a bigger school?
You Could add 2-3 and they would be Happy
As far as I know there is no common name for these little guys

I think kerripaul did call them something on this forum, I'll see if I can find it.

ok found it, it was tearscar not paul, anyway
Emerald Dwarf Rasbora
Thanks for the info Gill & Wolf.

Have you any experience keeping these fish Gill? Can you tell me a bit more about them? They don't need to be kept in schools I assume? Or am I mistaken?

And Wolf, I'll be sure to ask around for Emerald Dwarf Rasboras.
Discomafia said:
Thanks for the info Gill & Wolf.

Have you any experience keeping these fish Gill? Can you tell me a bit more about them? They don't need to be kept in schools I assume? Or am I mistaken?

And Wolf, I'll be sure to ask around for Emerald Dwarf Rasboras.
I have Been Keeping WCMM For Years Now.

I have had them in Bowls, Ponds and Tanks.

They should be in Groups of atleast 3, but the more the merrier
They do Very Well in all Conditions and are 1 of the Hardiest Fish I have Owned.

They Prefer a Luke Warm Temperature but will Also Do just aswell Outdoors.

Try and Find Some LongFinned WMMCM.



I'll just add that long finned WCMMs are
sometimes refered to as metor minnows. (just to confuse people :p)
Thanks for that Gill! :D

No luck trying to get the microrasboras, so I should be getting the WCMMs then... Never seen the gold or long finned variety though, only the normal ones.
I have 5 WCMMs in a cold tank and 3 in my tropical tank. My 5 have been together for nearly 3 years, they really are hardy. They survived even during times when fishkeeping was not my priority and my tank was (and still is) overstocked.

The 3 in my newer tank are also doing well and always swim in the open, never hiding, even though there are only 3 of them, although as has been said the more the merrier.

Their colours also develop very well, if you have been looking at some in the shop.

Actually I would like to try breeding them, apparently it's quite easy and one of the easiest fish to start with.
Yea, I was reading about that when I was doing some research for the fish. I just got a trio less than a day ago, so far so good, and they've already coloured up amazingly since I bought them at the store.

I think their gold and red hues are simply awesome, one of the main reasons I got them. Does anyone know how to sex them? I'll do a quick google search on breeding them, I'm sure I can come up with some useful info. And I know my angelfish wouldn't mine the fry. :drool:
There is plenty of stuff on breeding them, (I just need to get round to doing it!)

Females have large round white bellies, but these will not appear for a few months. Originally I had 5 males! Then when I bought 3 more I managed to get 2 females. The other one may or may not be male. For some you can definitely tell.

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