Hi, Tokis
Thank you for the explanation.
As it happens, I have six of WCMM's in a hillstream tank (high O2, current, temp around 75F), and three of them recently got gravid. Not to the degree shown on the pictures yet, but it is getting there.
Mostly gravel. Planting I guess is all wrong for them: swords and Java Fern (large leaves are better for the hillstreams).... should I add something, and if so, what?
Any other suggestions?
If you want to breed them, then the type of planting you have is very important, however if you have no intention of breeding them then most planting is fine with WCMM's as long as it offers some degree of protection/hiding places for the fish and doesn't take over the entire tank.
Because WCMM's lay often their eggs amoungst the leaves of plants, having places with small leaves which grow densely are the best as these will offer the most protection to the eggs and reflect the types of plants that the WCMM's would usually lay their eggs on.
As far as the substrate is concerned, having a mix of different sorts substrate is best as this will reflect the type of substrate you would find in a fast flowing river of stream the best. A mix of medium sized pebbles, some large rounded rocks, fine sand and smooth gravel is excellant. Place the rocks, sand and gravel in a way that would usually be found in streams/rivers. You can look at pics of natural river or stream beds to give you inspiration to the layout of your substrate, for example;
Moutain steam;
A hill stream in china (pic is small);
Rocks and gravel;
WCMM's are found in China and Vietnam, they are technically extinct the wild as far as i know, however in 2003 a wild population was apparently re-discovered in an agricultural area fed by moutain streams in the qiuling region in the guangdong province in china.
The hillstream loaches will really appreciate some large rounded rocks in the tank which are placed in the tank where the current is strongest. Hillstream loaches, like oto's, thrive best off a fresh algae diet. You can get a rock and put it in a jar of water on a window sill or under a strong light to grow algae on the rock, and then put the rock in the tank for your loaches to feast on the algae growing on the rock
Frozen or live bloodworms or mosquito larvae are great for conditioning WCMM's for breeding as well.