White Cloud Mm School Size


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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So, I wasn't really sure how to search for this question on this forum.... "white cloud mountain minnows school size"? 'Size' is less than 5 characters... 'white cloud mountain minnow' has lots of results, true, but it makes it harder to search for relevency...

In either case, :X The question:

I have 3 WCMMs, in a tank that happens to also contain 7 Harelquin Rasboras. They tend to school together when they feel the urge, but also school with just their own kind sometimes, and then again... simply go about their own business other times.

I also have 3 Schwartzi Cories in there.

I really only want to add 2 other fish into my tank, at most. Do you think that my WCMM are comfortable with just the 3, or do you think that they'd be happier with the accepted school size of 5? If my WCMM are alright schooling with others, I would get 2 more Schwartzi cories instead.

I admit, the WCMMs were an impulse buy of mine. I had read they were compatible with bettas (I have a female betta in the tank), and they were only a dollar, and I had never seen a fish that cheap in my home town, ever. :eek: So without all my usual hemming, hawing, researching, and whatnot, I slapped three bucks on the table and claimed them 'mine'.

They're very pretty after a few weeks bloodworm and mysis shrimp in their bellies. :)
I have three and they seem fine. Unfortunately I think I ended up with three females and no males. Or else I have some very overweight males. I agree, they're pretty.

Whats the story about putting them in with your betta? Did they nip him?
I have three and they seem fine. Unfortunately I think I ended up with three females and no males. Or else I have some very overweight males. I agree, they're pretty.

Whats the story about putting them in with your betta? Did they nip him?

She's a female, a girl betta.. don't worry, I hid that information in fancy dancy parenthesis. :D She was curious when I introduced them, but hasn't shown any aggression towards them. She seems to despise pale colored fish, colors that are simmilar to her own. Anything that's not too close to her own color, she seems not to mind. To just about anything that looks simmilar to her, she's a wicked bully.

I'm glad that you're in a simmilar WCMM situation to mine... they seemed fine to me, especially since I often see them school with my rasboras, but I thought that there might be others who knew they could be in a better place.

Guess I'll be getting more cories into my tank, then. :)

*Edit: Also, no signs of WCMM nippage, granted with my female there's less to nip. In my long study of betta tankmates and whatnot, WCMM were often mentioned as being non-aggressive towards male bettas, but that their active nature might irritate a betta and cause him or her to become aggressive towards the WCMM, instead.

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