White cloud minnow


Fish Fanatic
Jun 6, 2004
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Hello All, I purchased a female white cloud minnow yesterday and she is not eating well. This morning I fed the fish and she ate a little bit, but not really much to even count for anything. I fed them again tonight when I got home from church. Neon tetra and mickey mouse platy ate just fine, got there full and yet the white cloud minnow just swam around the bottom, and I sat and watched till all the food was gone, she did not touch a thing. She is really fat and I think she might have eggs. Oh and I only feed my fish twice daily (once in the morning and once at night, I feed tetra flakes) Any help out there? Advice? Thanks all! ;)
I wouldn't worry too much. New fish are..lets say..."allowed" to go a day or two without eating. My shark didn't eat anything for two days...
You will probably notice a difference once she gets more comfortable. If not, you have to start looking at other factors...such as disease or tank/water conditions.

With feeding it's personal preference. Some people feed twice a day, I feed once, and some people feed every day and skip a few here and there. I obviously wouldn't recommend feeding more than twice a day. Make sure you scoop out any excess food and do weekly water changes(including vacuuming the graval) to clean out anything you have missed.

HTH :)
I agree do not worry yet the stress of a move can often put the fish of food for some days but they are normal fine, but I would consider getting more White Clouds they are a gregarious fish that needs to be in groups as large as possible, this may also play a role in the fish not eating.
Maybe its that white clouds, like neons are gregarious in nature so therefore like to shoal. This in the wild serves many purposes but it mostly allows the eyes of many to see for one, the more there are of the fish, the less likely a predator can sneak up on them. For this reason she may feel insecure and uncomfortable, thinking that something may eat her at any minute! try introducing a few more (and a few more neons wont go amiss) and she will probably pick up just fine ;)
Thanks all for the advice...Everyone was right a few days later she has picked up eating more, yet I plan on getting more white clouds! Again I say thanks everyone! :D

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