White Cloud Minnow Jaw Is Red And Won't Close


New Member
Jul 2, 2014
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My white cloud that I've had for about a year has just started breathing quickly and its jaw is red and won't close. I'm really new at fish diseases and I don't know if it will catch to my two other white clouds and possibly the scissortail rasbora. They're all in a 5 gallon tank with three snails. Please help!
Sorry for the extra post, but I had no idea about the necessity for cycling a tank so my tank wasn't cycled before I added the fish.
Could be a bacterial thing caused by bad water quality. I thought as long as I done weekly water changes everything would be perfect but it was only when one of my fish got sick and I began testing my water I found out my water was far from perfect. Do you test yours?
Btw you can get anibacterial treatment from lps
Sounds like ammonia poisoning. Do a 50% water change, don't forget to add conditioner to the water, hope he gets better soon.

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