White Cloud Fry


Fish Crazy
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
West Yorks/Greater manc
Yesterday i spotted one tiny tiny little white cloud fry.

What do i do with it? It has not been sucked into the filter as of yet, does this mean my filter is fine, or has he just not got close enough, or relaxed enough to get sucked in yet?

What do i feed? I have some decapsulated brine shrimp on order but in the meantime will it naturally find food? I have a large apple snail i've heard these produve some kind of organism he may eat?
Try to catch him and keep him in a breeding net :) You should be able to get some liquifry. I managed to rescue 2 tiny danio fry a while back and wasn't really sure what to do. I managed to get them into a breeding net and fed them on fine fry food at first. They both survived and are now the same size as the adults :)
I don't have a breeding net, or any liquifry, or an LFS that sells anything other than one or two goldfish.

By the fact that the little fella' is free swimming and not stuck to the side of the tank, this indicates he's at least a few days old right? Which would mean he must be eating something?

It's odd why there's only one also.
Well, the others may have been eaten by the adults in the tank, or it may have just been a lucky egg that survived. Also, fry generally have a yoke sack which they absorb for the first few days after birth which feeds them. He may well survive on his own, but he might also get eaten. Its all natural but the breeding net would protect it and give you the chance to raise/feed it :)

I bought some of this. It has 3 small tubs in the box. First is a very fine powder, second tiny flakes, third larger (yet still small) flakes. The idea being you start on the powder for the first week or two, then move on to the next as the fry grows etc etc :)

If you can buy online a breeding net will cost you a few pounds and fry food won't cost too much either :) Or you let nature take its course and hopefully the little chap will survive and grow into another addition to your tank :)
Like i said i have some decapsulated brine shrimp on the way, which should be small enough for the little fella'?

But it's in the meantime i'm worried.Things'll take a few days to be delievered...i can turn flakes into powder but it just sits on the top and i don't think the fry'd even see it.

I turned the heater down to 18 degrees from 20 on thursday...come back monday with fry and some snail eggs! Both for the first time.

Is there a relationship there?
Might be. White cloud mountain minnows come from cooler mountain streams (as the name suggests) which is why they can be kept in cold water tanks. I have mine in an un-heated tank with my fancy goldfish :) Maybe lowering the temperature triggered spawning.
Yeah i do try keep the temperature a happy medium for them and the apple snail and shrimp i have.So i need a heater.

Also...water changes seem to trigger spawning..or at least displaying.
I love these fish.ha

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