Whining.... (well More Like Wishing)


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
We went to Superpets today to get some sterbai corys my bf wants.
Well, we go in and my bf waves me over to look at a betta he thinks is really pretty! I'm getting him hooked.. muahaha :shifty:
Well the lil fella is.. he's a very pretty peach color, but he's not the one that caught MY eye.

The one that caught my eye was on in front of him. He was a VT like the rest, but he was blue with a white face. Think that coloration is called 'monster'? not sure though heh...
He was SOOOOOOO pretty and I've never seen a betta in any of the shops that looked like him.
GOOOOD I wanted him so badly. :drool:
I had to have gone back and stared at him a good 10 time before we left.
I know bf would've gotten him for me, but he gently reminded me that we just didn't have anywhere to put him.
And while we were driving home and I was still commenting on how much I wanted him...he tryed cheering me up saying that he knows someone will buy him and give him a good home.
*sigh* I hope so, but dangit.. I wish I was that person!

*waves* Byebye pretty betta.... I'll never see one like you again for a very long time! :byebye:

Pls feel free to add in your own complaints about a betta you couldn't have or just whatever :)
At the moment i only have space for one more betta ( My fiancee is very understanding and would allow me more but i dont want to push my luck)

i have seen that many fish i want to take home with me but i really want something special to fill the last place - it really is hard i packed in smoking 14 months ago and leaving a betta at lfs is even harder . . . . . .


:shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout:
I am taking a break from bettas--I'm down to just George, my original veiltail. At one time I was up to 9 but the others have all died. I have several 1 gallon tanks and a couple of 2.5 gallon tanks that are empty. If you think 1 gallon is large enough for a single betta, I would be happy to send you one of them. I would still like to someday have a black halfmoon male. :drool:
i get that alot... i will find a really gorgeous betta and i have to be reminded that i am moving soon and there isnt enough space, it sucks. lat night i got my last one and he is VERY pretty. i will have to post a pic.
I'm in the same situation with Bobo, I had eight but I'm down to good 'ol Ares, and I have, like, six 2.5 g tanks.

Sucks I'm in WA too! :shout:
Aww, that's too bad Amunet, it sounds like you two would have made a lovely pair. *Pats shoulder consolingly*
I know what you mean. Every time I start to go into a pet store I tell myself "YOU WILL NOT LOOK AT THE BETTAS!!" But it seems that without a flinch I'm at the betta cups before I can stop myself. I found a gorgeous betta last night while I was at the LFS. His entire body was white except for a couple of dark blue stripes behind his gills, and his fins were blue all the way to the tip, but the tip was white. GORGEOUS!! And I know I'll never run into one of those again at an LFS.

I have to be honest though, I always want a ton of bettas, but I always feel guilty for having more than one. I feel like I'm "cheating" on my orginal betta. Kind of like I'm not giving him the attention that I could if he were my only one. Is that weird? Are any of you like that? I do have 2 bettas right now. One I've had for a little over a month. His body is this really really bright green. He's beautiful and very active. He loves attention. My other betta was a rescue and I've only had him a few days. I couldn't stand to leave him behind. He's extremely sweet and he loves to watch whatever I'm doing. So yeah, it's easy to get hooked!

once there were beautiful pure red and pure blue female bettas (one of each) at the pet store.... i left for five minutes and they were gone. :byebye:
I came in to work the next day only to find out that my SUPERVISOR HAD BEEN THE ONE THAT BOUGHT THEM! I could have killed him. We have had a friendly rivalry in who owns the best bettas... now he is one up on me on the female side...
But now I am one up on him on the male side after buying four crown tail males... Btw you can only usually get veil tail male and females or crown tail males (you have to order them in usually but the store just happened to have 5 there by fluke)
I wish we could get crown tail females... and half moon m&f's :good:
Hehe i always have to look at the betta's and pearlscales! i cant not look at the bettas n if there isnt any there i get so sad! lol i wanted a betta so bad once, my boyfriend bought him so i could go over and visit him all the time, but my two boys are my pride and joy :D
i cant go into a walmart or any other store that supplies fish without looking at all the bettas! and im always bugging my boyfriend to take us to are LFS when we have free time.
I came in to work the next day only to find out that my SUPERVISOR HAD BEEN THE ONE THAT BOUGHT THEM!

I was admiring the most fabulous betta in an lfs near me - he was simply *gorgeous* :wub: :wub: . He is/was the first crowntail I've seen IRL, and even though I do *not* have room for another betta, I would seriously have considered getting another tank specially for him. But one of the guys who worked there had already nabbed him :lol:

Part of me still regrets not trying a bit harder - but I know that wouldn't have been fair on the lfs guy :no: . And my family would have been :shout:
Lol.. I can relate to the dragging/bugging the bf to take you to the LFS heh...

We just came back from Superpets (the place where I saw the betta).. and the little guy was gone... so were the peach bettas they had as well.
I just hope he was sold to someone responsible!
I know this may sound a little harsh but... I was in pets at home, shopping for dry goods (I don't even do that any more) and I saw a combtail or something betta being raped (basically) and I really wanted it but my parents said no, I really wanted it becuase it was a rescue, and also nice - the reason it's harsh is cos I don't really like VT's lol - might get one though
Hey.. nothing harsh just b/c you have a preference :)
Even though tail type doesn't matter to me in the long run.. I don't think i'd ever get a double tail if I chanced across one. I just don't think they look right.

We're going back to Superpets on Weds since one fo the sterbai we got died for no apparent reason. So we'll see what new bettas they have in so I can torture myself some more b/c I can't have any of them heh.
Even though that place isn't the best... they do keep their bettas' tiny bowls clean. They're not swimming around in their own crap or uneaten food like they have them at Petsmart.

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