Which Snakehead Fits?

Careful with the rocks.

I have read before that a lot of rock types seep stuff into the water heightening the ph.

Most Channa will look and act best at a lower ph.

I have rocks that I put in with by Flowerhorn that bumps the ph right up near the ph.8 mark!
Thanks for the update. TBH my pH is 8 already and the fish that are coming to be have been bred in and raised in this so hopefully no worries there, I will be keeping eye out to ensure it does not raise even more though!
Mini update got a bargain of 13 plastic plants for £3.00 some are small and others large so it is looking good so far! Plan on a rescape at the weekend. :good:
Well set the tank up and could do with opinions. I have used every source possible, the only thing left to add is the piping outlets and floating plants that I have safe in the other tank.



Thanks for that rdp50734, I have more lava rock? There isnt an awful lot of floor space anymore though.. Hopefully going for ORNATIPINNIS from Nelly :good:
Maybe some more plants then? I have mine quite heavily planted on one side is camboomba spelling and they hide in that a lot! You could try it and see how they get on, the pics are deceptive as its a corner tank! You will know better when they're in there!
LOL thanks so much rdp50734, I definately need the honest opinion especially from someone that owns them :good: I have some java moss that may be beneificial and help provide more hiding places? I have time to fiddle :lol:
yeah mine hide in java moss too! I really dont like to comment on peoples tanks as we all have our own tastes! I dont think your initial set up matters a lot as if your like me you will change it monthly if not more! My hands are in there so much 2 of them let me stroke them!
:hyper: they let you strooke them that is very cool and cute. I would love to with my fahaka but either too shy or aggressive :lol: Great will add the moss and yeah things do get moved around with me too. THough I hope not to disturb them too much in the first couple of months.
I hope that you know exactly what snake head you want to get and that don't get fooled by their colorful juvinile appearance, it happened to me when a friend of mine had gave me a pair of Red snakehead, when a friendly members in this forum told me that these are an enormous fish ones full grown, and make a nice disastrous monsters ones full grown..... But now they are in a public aquarium in a very large tank, and they look happy!!
Thanks for the info M.R.Otter, I am being carefully guided and also trying not to go by appearances but more latin name and dwarf species :good:

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