Which Snakehead Fits?


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
Which snake head fits for first timer snakehead owner>

Wish one of the smallest sub tropical species with tank size, considering trying one out as success with current puffers (dont worry all species only tanks). I have read sinlge specimens or groups to pair off. As long as a single specimen happy what tank size?

Smaller species seen have been the orientalis, bleheri etc.

Are filters vital to them or would they be better with vigilant water changes? Read some hate flow and would be willing to do periodical w.c.

Just a food for thought thread considering. Many thanks
I have a 200l with a group of 10 channa gachua's. all 5-6.5" now all getting along ok. I even have a senegal bircher in with them for the moment! It all depends on your tank size and what snakehead you like the look of!
They dont really like water changes so filtration is a must and I change 20-30% a month depending on how much food/poo I can get out the gravel! Orientalis are hard to come by and are usually gachua. You must check for the ventral fins underneath the fish where you would expect the chest to be!
What takes your fancy?
What size tank hun?
If you want your pick of my channa ornatipinnis then your more than welcome, There starting to square of at each other<pairs forming possibally but unsure, you either welcome to take a group and wait for a pair then give rest away, or have the biggest one i have as a single specimen...

here have a look at this...

Filter is important,i can help if your stuck, they dont like flow which is the dilema, but if its either slow or angled then should be ok, waterchanges is what they are not to keen on, depends how they were brought up..

Hmmm I am looking but like look orientalis, bleheri, Im adaptable as to size of the fish and smaller tank size to try. I would find a big one too intimidating and might be harder to convince my parnter otherwise!

Edit only just seen your thread nelly, rereading..

Further edit, ah have to return to work from lunch, have a read later. As to tank size, willing to get one
to fit the right species, or could consider a corner tank that I have which is a...120 litre. And,,,thank you
so much for the kind offer Nelly, need to have a look when get home (I know Im such a blond.) PC timing out,
later xxx
Offers there hun, free by the way...lol

Got a buyer today for my oscars<fingers crossed they like them>, then next week hopefully someones coming from plymouth to collect tank and remending fishies...
Awesome news on the oscars and great news on the big tank, :good:

The tank I have is a 110-120 litre corner tank..worried it might not be suitable for them? Would you recommend agroup in there or a singleton?

P.s. Kudos on the site, excellent :good: having a thorough look now.
I had a group of 6 gachuas in my 120 but I got more snakeheads so had to go in the 200l. I would keep them in your tank a group of 6 then watch for aggression/fighting as they mature and a pair starts to form but I do not have any experience with ornatipinnis so Nelly would be the best to ask! Welcome to the snakehead side you will love it! I normally get bored of my stock after 6 months ish but the snakeheads have me hooked! I'm trying to sort out the fish house when time allows to put a 1000l tank in there and get a larger species! Maybe golden cobras!
Thanks for that rdp50734 :) Looking forward to trying something new, I will admit I can get bored of fish quickish and it is finding the perfect things for me, one is my fahaka and one is my abei :) btw any pics ;)
Thanks for that rdp50734 :) Looking forward to trying something new, I will admit I can get bored of fish quickish and it is finding the perfect things for me, one is my fahaka and one is my abei :) btw any pics ;)
I'l have to get some usually I only shoot the fish as you can never see them on a full shot!
There are a number of dwarfs.
Most are sub-tropical, if this is not a problem there are some absolutely stunning new ones that have been found in the last few months.
Fire & Ice for example:

That is a gorgeous looking channa :drool: Im currently adapting the tank and got some more rocks yesterday:

Just to get more foliage to pad the tank right up. If I get the bug I may look into more beauties but good place to start :)
:lol: but Nelly I must defend my title of worlds biggest worrier ;) Just awaiting plants in the post then can get scaping :good:

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