Which Oddballs To Get?

Ye, lol , i might rather get a silver than a black aro.
And after seeing that thosse rays are $4000 , and stick with moto rays :p
Wat filters, and how many, shud i get??
My parents will definately NOT get a $10000 gift for christmas.
But i've explained to them that the tank will cost $2000, but they're fine with that, since im doing well in school, and have wanted a large tank for like my whole life.
I can pay for about two thirds of the price for the fish, since I work.
Also, I have a good deal, where someone is selling a tigirnus for about $10.
So from looking at places, and prices here is the price of the stock list:

-Tigrinus cat (4-6") $25
-3 motoro:
2 female (8") $300
1 male (4-5") $100

black arowana (8") $225
Silver Arowana (4-5") $40

fire eel they (10-12") $50

Polypterus Endlicheri (7-9") $80
Bichir-Ornatipinnis (4-6") $25

I think it would be in the range of $3000-4500, and really it wouldn't all be at once. And cmon, saltwater setups are much more expensive.
And not this isnt some made up story. I have a life, and I'm not here making up stories. Everyday, I talk to my parents about the tank, and look for deals.
I dont want to get the tank, and then look for good offers, and then i'll be totaly lost. I posted early , and not after I got the tank, because I want to plan before i get such an expensive gifts.
And money isn't really that big of an issue. My parents just dislike the effort in required to take care of the tank. They think from a 30 gal. to a 400 - 500 gal. is to big of a jump, but a little bit of convincing will do it.

Well, thx for sparing time, and answering my questions. Dont worry, ill post pics as soon as I get the tank.
Thx for all the help so far. :)
yes arowanas will fit in the tank it depends which kind though. For the sting rays you'll need a tank double the size of yours right now so i would say stick to the aros oh and arowanas usually won't bother any fish at the bottom since they're top dwellers.
I thought stinrays would do fine in a 400 gallon tank??
Am i wrong??
Ye, lol , i might rather get a silver than a black aro.
And after seeing that thosse rays are $4000 , and stick with moto rays :p
Wat filters, and how many, shud i get??
My parents will definately NOT get a $10000 gift for christmas.
But i've explained to them that the tank will cost $2000, but they're fine with that, since im doing well in school, and have wanted a large tank for like my whole life.
I can pay for about two thirds of the price for the fish, since I work.
Also, I have a good deal, where someone is selling a tigirnus for about $10.
So from looking at places, and prices here is the price of the stock list:

-Tigrinus cat (4-6") $25
-3 motoro:
2 female (8") $300
1 male (4-5") $100

black arowana (8") $225
Silver Arowana (4-5") $40

fire eel they (10-12") $50

Polypterus Endlicheri (7-9") $80
Bichir-Ornatipinnis (4-6") $25

I think it would be in the range of $3000-4500, and really it wouldn't all be at once. And cmon, saltwater setups are much more expensive.
And not this isnt some made up story. I have a life, and I'm not here making up stories. Everyday, I talk to my parents about the tank, and look for deals.
I dont want to get the tank, and then look for good offers, and then i'll be totaly lost. I posted early , and not after I got the tank, because I want to plan before i get such an expensive gifts.
And money isn't really that big of an issue. My parents just dislike the effort in required to take care of the tank. They think from a 30 gal. to a 400 - 500 gal. is to big of a jump, but a little bit of convincing will do it.

Well, thx for sparing time, and answering my questions. Dont worry, ill post pics as soon as I get the tank.
Thx for all the help so far. :)

i think you have the name wrong for a tigrinus and think you mean a tigrmum

tigrium $40
tigrinus $400

this is a tigrinus and their is no were on this planet that you can pick one up for less than $200

Here's 1 link - Tiger shovelnose:

And here is a ocella sholvenose catfish.

Here is another link:

I really liked all 3 , so if one of them isnt the tigirnus, then, might aswell go for these catfish :)

i really think you need to go and set the tank you want up for xmas before you even talk about any fish

you have posted links so you must no that this type of cat fish will grow to 3ft and it will get to that size very very fast

forget the fish for the moment if i was you and i was really going to set a tank up the size you are talking about then you have more important things to think about like what filters and substrate you are going to use then theirs the lighting to think of

after you have sorted all that stuff out its going to take you 1-3 months to cycle a tank that size

dont forget xmas is only 2 weeks away so unless you have the tank and other stuff you need ordered now their is no way that you will have all the stuff you need buy xmas
i know xmas is only 2 weeks away, and ye i shud plan focus on the tank. But it only takes 1-2 days to get the tank.
You said 1-2 months to cycle the tank!! Woah ... is there any way to fasten the process?
My parents are like 3/4 convinced as of now. Maybe one more week, and they'll be ready. Fish runs in my family ... my cousin has like 4 huge tanks and a pond, so its not like my parents hate fish. Im like 95% sure ill be getting the tank. Once i get the tank, then I can ask on how the setup should be.
I definately know its going to be sand, but im confused if it should be well-planted, or heavily planted in one area. The filters I should keep, ect.
Some pictures of other tanks with similar settings would be cool.
Thx for the help , dont freak out on me plz, cuz im not making this stuff up. I'm just a little lost on how to go about, but I know with the right advise i'll be fine.
Thx again :)
well if you think you are going to keep rays then forget the plants

with rays they will pull all the plant up and move big rocks and bits of bog wood around

if you are going to keep arowana then its best you sort your tank in laters

aro for the top water whet ever you can find that will mix well in the mid water the the rays for the bottom layer

the mid water is the hardest part to sort out in a aro/ray tank

hears my tank to show you what decor i have none just gravel


The pics really helped.
Cn i have info like the szie, the filters, the lihgting the fish, etc.
Btw that tigerfish is really beutiful.
Now im thinking of getting that ahh..
I'll follow ur advise and just concentrate on the tank now then.
The tank size = 84inch long x 32inch wide x 30inch deep

the filteration is over kill but for me you can never have enought fitlers

2 x eheim pro3s
2 x big pond buckets as pre filters for the pro3s
2 x eheim 2252 inturnal filters
1 x shruran sand filter
1 x shuran nitrate reactor
1 x eheim pro2 (the biggest pro 2 which runs the sand filter and nitrate reactor)
2 x 25 watt vectron UV steralivers

lighting = 2 x 5ft tri-plus tubes

the substrate is a ver small smoth pebble gravel

the fish

1 x 20inch asian super grade red splendour cross back arowana
1 x 20inch tigrinus cat
1 x 12inch flagtail proculotis (this dish is a filter in his own right)
3 x p14 sting rays (nearly breeding)
1 x 11inch dat cambelli (new geuine tiger)
5 x dat pulcher (wide bars) only one seen in the picture as i have not had the rest that long
this is what i was trying to tell you from the start a tank the size you are talking about takes a lot of planning

if you are going to use exturnal canister filters then buy the eheim pro3 they are the best

if you are going to use a sump filter then thats going to take you a lot longer than before xmas to get desighned and made

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