Which Oddballs To Get?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 26, 2006
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I am a noob when it comes to oddballs. But they fascinate me, and ultimately I want to have my own tank with oddballs :D
For chrismtas I am planning to get a tank. I found a certain spot for the tank, and that certain spot is:
Lenth: 66 in.
Width: 24 in.
Depth: 30 in.

Give or take, it comes about 170-205 gallons.
I really want to plan everything out, so when i get the tank on christmas, I'm all ready :)

K so here are the questions for now:
- Some reccomandtions on what fish to keep?
- I like Arowanas, can I keep one maybe? And will it be fine with other oddballs like eels, or bichirs?
- How big of a tank would a stingray need?
- I definately will want to keep some Bichirs, so any advise on what to Bichirs to keep??
- Any other kool oddballs out there?

The tank doesn't neccesarily have to be an all-oddball tank. I might add a 1 or 2 plecs, maybe a trio of bala's, or some big chiclids. Right now i'm not sure, on the exact stock, so I think the first step is to decide on what the stock should be. Once I know my stock, then i can plan on what filter, substrate, food, plants, caves, and all the other stuff.
I'm reallu excited :D
thats a nice size tank and oddballs will look great.i will let someone else answer about the aros and rays, they will say minimum 6x2x2 for scobina rays and you very nearly have that :nod: you could definately have the bigger bichirs and eels in that tank.also tiger fish and needle fish,maybe a knife fish?hope this helps :good:
here is my 100g oddball community
Get an Arowana they great :good:

but are high price and will need most of that tank

Oscars are great -- Clown Knife --

Eels are great too

Now they All won't fit but -- Arowana & Oscars may work not sure thou

Big Shoul of Pirahna won't be great :D
Lenth: 66 in.
Width: 24 in.
Depth: 30 in.
thats a nice size tank and oddballs will look great.i will let someone else answer about the aros and rays, they will say minimum 6x2x2 for scobina rays and you very nearly have that you could definately have the bigger bichirs and eels in that tank.also tiger fish and needle fish,maybe a knife fish?hope this helps
here is my 100g oddball community

When I looked up Tigerfish I got many results. Can I have the scientific name? THe knife fish looks fascinating. And the Scobino Ray can fit, yay!
I was thinking maybe:
2x Scobino Rays
3x Bichirs (Still confused on which ones)
Knife Fish (Can i have 2 or more?)
2x eels (can i keep eels wit these tank mates?)

I definately want a 1 fish which serves as the "centerpiece." Arowana would do it, but would the tank be overstocked for the fish? Are there any large sharks out there which could be kept in the tank? Or large catifsh?

Oh wow, you have alot to look forward to with keeping bichirs. With a tank your size I recommend Armored Bichirs(Polypterus Delhezi) as I believe they are one of the bigger versions. Bichirs have great personalities and friendly towards the kind of fish you are looking to have in your tank. If your going to keep a few of them make sure you have plenty of hiding spots where they can each establish their own territory and don't be surprised if they have little squables. I really believe that the more you learn about these guys the more you want to keep them, they are like evolution in action!

On another note, I couldn't tell you much about the other fish in your tank. I think your arrowana is going to have to be the few top dwellers cuz ive heard that they don't really tolerate others... Don't quote me on that though.

I only wish I could have your tank, I'm so jealous.
Should i get 3 armored bichirs, or get 3 different species, like maybe armored, ornate, and senegal
Also i looked in the oddball fish index and saw some gorgeous catfish. I'm really tempted to get one.
And after looking at that link, the i've been tempted for the tigerfish aswell.
AHHHH, so many options, which one's to choose.
So far these are the fish im intrested in:

-Any type of Bichir
-Any type of Eel
-Any type of Ray
-Basically any large catifish (African Shovelnose, Channel catfish, Hoplo catfish, Shovelnose catfish)
-Some kind of large shark maybe

I know I probaly cant have all of these fish, and some fish arent compatible with others, but what would be some fish out of those (or other fish) which I could keep.
Hey guys,

After reading through the fish index, I realized the Arowanas need about a 400 gallon tank. Some 180. And the tank will bassically by overstocked. So i decided to look elsewhere where a large tank could fit. There really isn't room anywhere els in the house, except the basement.
I found 2 spots in the basement.

First spot (by a billiardl/tennis table):
Lenth: 6 ft.
Width: 4 ft.
Depth: 2.5 ft.
This gives me 448.83 US gallons and 3734.72 lbs.

Second spot:
Lenth: 11 ft.
Width: 3 ft.
Depth: 2.5 ft.
This gives me 565.71 US gallons and 4707.31 lbs

Which spot would be reccomended?
The only disadvantage I can see is that there is no water source (I'll have to run upstairs). I was thinking maybe those python siphons can do the job. I'm not really sure how they work though.
And there may be a slight problem fitting the tank through the stairs to the basement, as the width to the stairs is about 2.5 ft. (I could flip the tank over so the depth becomes the width, so it probaly will fit thorugh.)

But now were in a whole new ball game.
Yes and if the tank will be glass that will be alot of weight to get down the stairs. I put a 240 gallon tank in my basement through a door that left an inch on either side as it came in. My basement has a floor drain and a utility sink so I am all set for easy aquarium maintence. A python water changing hose is a lifesaver on larger tanks at reducing the workload.

Fire Eels- Mastacembelus erythrotaenia make great companions for Arowanas as do Polypterus ornatipinnis or senegalus.
Talkmuch have you thought of having a acrylic tank instead of glass?it will be a lot easier to navigate down stairs
K i did some reasearch :)
I made a list of what fish I am mainly intested in, and that would work:
2x Asian Arowanas
1x Senegal Bichir
1x Ornate Bichir
1x Armored Bichier
3x Fire Eel
2x Moto Rays (can't find details for any other ray)
1x Clown Knife Fish

Would this be overstocked? And would these tankmates be fine?
Once i get the yes, I'll start looking into which tank, and the other stuff.
Thx for all the great advise :D
as far as i know arowana communities are usually made up of 5+ aros to level out aggression so im not sure about 2 asians working out
K so i guess I'll make that 1x Asian Arowana
And what other types of rays are out suitable for the tank?

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