Which Oddball?

so do you think i can get in...
3 featherfin rainbows
5 khuli loach
2 rams
1 peacock eel

First off you should keep a group of the rainbows, say 5-6, plus there mouths are really small and you need to make sure they are getting enough to eat.

I wouldn't keep a Betta in a tank containing Cichlids. Not sure how the other tank mates would get on with it though.

I've no experience of eels at all, but bear in mind the Rainbows are pretty small and slender fish.

May I suggest an Apistrogramma species instead of the Rams? If you give them flowerpots as caves, or even lots of bogwood, IMO they provide more entertainment.
well if i let go of the betta and add more feather fins, it works alround, the rams i have my heart set on a pair and i can get more rainbows.
i have to think realy carefully here. :/

yes sorry glass catfish, lol i was thinking of a knife fish as i was writing this reply.
i want to stay away from them, because most the fish i have chosen like slightly softer water. whereasthe glass cat likes harder water.
many thanks though


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