Which Killifish Is Best?


Fish Addict
Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
Santa Cruz, Calif.
i found someone through craigslist that is selling killifish. these are the types he has available
American Flag $2.75
A. australe "orange"(Pr) $14.75pr
Celebes Rice $4.75
Gardneri(Pr) $9.75pr
Gold Wonder $2.75

which is recommended? which are easiest and live longest- i don't want to spend a lot on something that is not going to last me long.. i'm on a student budget.
and... can a pair of killifish be put in a 2.5 mini-bow or rectangular glass tank? that is what i have available.
How big is a 2.5 mini-bow in volume. or dimensions.
I think it's something like this which is (2.5 Gallons) :

14-1/8" length
11-3/8" height
7-3/4" width
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Aplochelius Lineatus (Golden Wonder) get to 4" so that sorta eliminates them.
Rice fish & American Flagfish not much colour to speak off.
If it were me, and if you are looking for a nice colourful pair that will breed if given the correct conditions(sell the offspring, and your initial stock has cost you zilch) Then it's a toss up between Aphyosemion australe and Fundulopanchax gardneri. Then again if you do not know the exact location code for the gardneri then it will be hard to get hardcore killifish enthusiasts to buy them. So you are left with the Australe.
Australe it is then IMO.
P.S. Pretty off the wall pricing though. Im a member of the AKA, BKA & SKS Killifish Associations and the prices that I would expect to pay are:-
Fp. gardneri @ $7.00 pr
Aph australe @ $7.00 pr
Jordanella Floridae @ $6.00 pr
Java Medakas @ $5.00 pr
Of course posting would be extra and varies quite a lot.
I'd vote for the australe orange as well, they're small and the male is quite colorful. But I agree, the price on them is a bit much. I believe I managed to snag my pair via auction for about $10 US.........
thanks for the replies...

i can never seem to find killies anywhere here, so i found this guy on craigslist. i'm glad to hear the prices are a little too high. i'll have to think about whether its worth or not, i'd really love some but i have to cut down on spending all my money on fish :D i will also look around on ebay/aquabid. are killies good at shipping? for instance, i feel as though bettas are pretty hardy and survive shipping well. can the same or similar be said of killies? thanks.
can never seem to find killies anywhere here
Killifish and their eggs survive postal journeys exceptionally well durning clement months when the weather is neither too hot or too cold. If it cold we use heat packs in their polystyrene boxes. I live in Northern Ireland and frequently obtain and send fish/eggs to the United States. If you are genuinely interested in Killifish then join the (AKA) American Killifish Association.( http://aka.org/modules/tinycontent3/ )or the subsidiary group Southern California Killi Club.( http://home.earthlink.net/~mmills/ )
The price of the membership sometimes puts people off, but the amount of knowledge and comaradery shared within such groups is priceless. You may well get your stock fish for FREE. Also there is The Fish Wizards website( http://www.tdbettasand.addr.com/ )run by the very knowledgable Anthony Terceira who are offering a free pair of killis to anyone who joins the AKA.
I hope this was of some help to you.
P.s. Buying killifish through commercial outlets can work out quite expensive and often they can't offer you the help and advice you need. This is why I fully endorse joining dedicated National Associations.

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