which fish


New Member
Aug 22, 2003
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Birmingham, UK
:/ ok this friday im going to get my second batch of fish! my lfs has lots and lots of types of fish every u can imagine so which would anyone recommend to be a good batch of fish to go with my previous 5 platys - does anyone know if rainbow fish are good with platys?? or what about danios?? i saw a cute zebra danio?? my tank was cycled for 3 weeks and has had the first batch of fish for 4 weeks on friday if that helps too. :) any suggestions im open to any!
I don't know anything about rainbow fish except everyone seemed rather negative about them when I suggested them myself a while back. They are rather large (the smallest are 2" long and quite deep) and they need quite a bit of swimming room. They can apparently be quite nippy.

As for barbs, I don't know what a zebra barb is but if its anything like a tiger barb, beware. Cherry barbs and gold barbs are great fish - I adore cherries, personally. I noticed that one of our new members has a picture of one in his/her avatar. I've just bought another one recently as I've now got cherries in two tanks and you need to have a male with one or more females.

IMHO you have to get some loaches - I've got chain loaches (pygmy botias) that are just great fish, but they are not hardy and are difficult and expensive to get hold of. They will eat snails which is a major advantage IMHO.

Also do consider a dwarf plec of some kind.
IMHO you have to get some loaches - I've got chain loaches (pygmy botias) that are just great fish, but they are not hardy and are difficult and expensive to get hold of. They will eat snails which is a major advantage IMHO.

Also do consider a dwarf plec of some kind

In my area its just about impossible to find these. I have seen some clown loachs occasionally but I heard they are schooling and I would need a much bigger tank to handle them.

Corys were a great addition to my tank. They don't grow to large lengths mostly and are kinda cute after you get used to them. I just can't tell mine apart!
Zebra danios are very hardy fish and lots of people use them for cycling a tank. They can withstand less than perfect conditions, but they are a shoaling fish and it's best to keep them in packs of 5-6. Please remind me of the size of your tank - then it will be much easier to suggest what to keep in it.
Swordtails or Larytails would be great with but it's best to have 1 male to 2 or 3 females...so it really depends on how much room you have.

Cory Cats are fun little fish that don't seem to bother anyone and help keep things clean.
You should get some cories and yes all danios are hardy fish and will live peacefully. ;)
I really like my cardinal tetras and corys are really cute too, but if you want fast swimming with good entertainment get some danios, they are constantly chasing each other having fun! :nod:
Most of the tetras fishes are pretty peaceful...so no harm getting a shoal of them to your fish community....bleeding heart, neons, emperor, black neons, lemon, rainbow...even congo tetras despite their bigger sizes are quite peaceful and beautiful fishes that u can consider buying...( though my congo tetras tend to chase my corys though..dunno why ;) )....danios are also good choices....zebra/leopards are damn popular and hardy fishes....( and also i also dunno why one of my cherry barb and one of my leopard danio tends to fight and chase each other...kinda funny and interesting to see this)....as for barbs...i will only recommend cherry barbs since they are peaceful and more shy than the other barbs....tiger and rosy barbs are abit more aggresive and fin nippers...( rosy barbs arent dat bad actually)so unless u're getting at least 6 of those tiger barbs as they will be too busy playing among themselevs, I won;t recommend them...Harlequins, white cloud mountain minnows,penguin fishes and pencil fishes are also popular and nice choices too...clown laoches are also cute to have...hehe..but they can grow up to a very big size...so take note... :shifty:
i would really like some neon tetras but i heard they are quite hard to look after? what ya reckon - plus my tank is 60 litres if that helps! are dwarf plecs generally gonna stay small cause my friend has a plec started off really small and now is monstrous taking over the tank!
i have 3 dwarf neon rainbows and they do not get beyond 2". they are peaceful and are the only occupants in the tank. i would suggest getting them if ur LFS has any. they are easy to tell whether male or female by their fin colour; red = male, yellow = female.
fishyfoo said:
i would really like some neon tetras but i heard they are quite hard to look after? what ya reckon - plus my tank is 60 litres if that helps! are dwarf plecs generally gonna stay small cause my friend has a plec started off really small and now is monstrous taking over the tank!
Neon tetras aren't particularly difficult provided you keep the water conditions good (which I've no doubt you'd do). In a 60 L tank you could have a nice size school - maybe a dozen fish, without any problems at all.

A dwarf plec would stay nice and small and be ideal for your tank, although you'd need a bit of bogwood for them to nibble on. Go for a bristlenosed plec (3-4" when adult) or a clown plec (3" when adult). You could even fit a pair in your tank, which would be nice, but if you do that, get them at the same time because there are many subspecies that look identical to each other and you might not be able to guarantee getting another later.
I've got 3Corys and a dwarf Pleco in my 10 gal, they are great, add so much character to the tank. Started off with 2 Corys and added a 3rd couple of days ago - thought the others were going to isolate him as he spent ages all on his. Noticed yesterday that they're all swimming around like best of friends.

One of my fav's though is the dwarf pleco, amazing algae eater - Saw him other day stuck on the inside of the outlet to my filter cleaning that up, every now and then he would lose his suction come shooting and then work his way back in again. He's also won Hide & Seek on any number of occasions, he's an absolute master at chamouglage
giant danios are quite nice they always on the move aswell quite nice to watch got three myself lovely little things
ok i decided to have a look at the dwarf plecs friday now i know u can get some that stay relatively small - you def need bogwood tho - doesnt that discolor the water??? thanks for the advice peeps!
get some neons abt 6, there cool! ;) after all ur choice, but remember make sure there good tank mates!

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