Which Corys Do You Have?

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Here is another pic of one of my Pygmy cories
I have a Julii female and an albino female :3

I have c. Sanchesi, c. Hasborus, peppered & albinos.
They are such entertaining fish, always busy & bumbling around
here some of my Green and Orange Laser Cory's :) they are wonderful fish to watch



I have 5 pandas and 3 sterbais, no piccies I'm afraid as my camera is pretty naff and the corys are too quick :grr: :D
yep they are to quick :( make great videos tho :) i was lucky to get those shots on a water change :)
Hey all, got my first four corys yesterday two albino and two peppered.
If I could figure out how to put pictures from my phone on here I would.

Here's one of my 3 sterbais peeping out from behind the grassy plant, with the ubiquitous neon tetras in the shot (they see the camera and they're straight there LOL). The sterbais have grown huge since I got them when they were the same size as the pandas and I'm keeping an eye out for some more to increase the shoal :)

What corys do you have? :unsure: Which are your favorites? :wub:

If you have pictures, please share them with the rest of us cory lovers. :D

My corys are listed in my signature. Here are a few pictures of them to start the thread off:

This is Big Mama, a female bronze C. aeneus:


Black C. aeneus and C. arcuatus (skunk corys):


C. seussi:


C. axelrodi:


C. aeneus, orange lasers:


C. pandas and C. pygmaeus:


C. pastazensis:


C. wietzmani:


I just viewed your pictures and wanted to write while the house is quiet, it wasn't earlier today. I bought my first corys today: the store only had 3: small, med, large. I picked the medium and large and one looks like your first picture and the larger one must be what they call bronze. I'd send a picture but need help from a family member to do it. Mine were $4.50 each, wondered if this is a typical price for a cory. They're calm and friendly, which is good, all my fish get along well. I did not realize there were several kinds until I saw your pictures. I tried to see other pictures too, but looked quick because I'm doing chores at the same time while watching the dog, he didn't feel well last night. But they seem to be perfect community fish.
Hi, I love corys there so much fun I have 3 pepped corys, 4 bronze corys and 10 peppered cory fry at the moment hoping to get some others soon :D


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