Which Corys Do You Have?

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Lilfishy said:
Adolfoi, Duplicareus, atropersonatus, venezuelanus, gold laser, trilineatus, Pygmy, C90 , black schultzei, weitzmani
I am planning x6 Black venezuelanus, and x6 gold laser in my new project once it is mature.  How do you find them in their activity, personalities etc compared to other cories?
What is the main difference between the Black venezuelanus and the black schultzei?
The weitzmani look interesting, they seem to be black and white or a golden colour with black, which are yours?
Do you breed them all, and where are you located?
So far the Adolfoi are my favourites, but then I am fairly new to Pandas and they are cute.
Solid Black schultzei & solid black Venezuelans are the same fish according to a heated debate on Planet catfish, true black Venezuelans are not solid black
I find my blacks very laid back & gentle in their movements, the lasers are more active & scoot round the bottom all day long.
Weitzmani are goldish & black, I'm thinking of changing to a darker substrate for them as they seem quite pale on light sand.
Most of mine are only just coming up to breeding age now, though my trilineatus have bred recently.
My Duplicareus are showing signs they might breed soon, they're almost the same as adolfoi but larger with a more defined black stripe
Lilfishy said:
Solid Black schultzei & solid black Venezuelans are the same fish according to a heated debate on Planet catfish, true black Venezuelans are not solid black
I find my blacks very laid back & gentle in their movements, the lasers are more active & scoot round the bottom all day long.
Weitzmani are goldish & black, I'm thinking of changing to a darker substrate for them as they seem quite pale on light sand.
Most of mine are only just coming up to breeding age now, though my trilineatus have bred recently.
My Duplicareus are showing signs they might breed soon, they're almost the same as adolfoi but larger with a more defined black stripe
Thanks for the info, Lilfishy, seems like the two species I am planning will complement each other very well.
Are Duplicareus more readily available generally speaking, and thus maybe a little cheaper?
Where are you located?  It is handy to have in your profile as different countries have different stock, meds etc.
I'm in Nw Uk.
I've never seen Duplicareus or adolfoi readily available in any of my Lfs.
My Adolfoi were ordered for me, the Duplicareus I found through a specialist stockist, they were a little cheaper than the adolfoi, but not much
I have
- 6 Julii
-8 Peppered
Species only 120L/30gtank.
Safe to say they're my absolute favourite fish!
I keep green, pandas, and a venezuelans (and a few rescues). I find my venezuelans to stay mostly to the ground and scoot around through my plants most of the day, in fact they love the heavily planted areas of my tank much more than my other cories. I wouldn't call them shy though, which is funny bc I have only 3 of them and they're still very young. My LFS only had them in once and there was only 3 left by the time I got to them :( I keep hoping they'll get more in so I can get them up to 6.  Mine only have black bodies and their fins are a nice dark red :) I really like them, I wish they would grow a little though :/ lol
I find different species of cory are shyer than others. My pandas are the most outgoing, the CW021's are next and the adolfois (who live with the CWs) are really quite shy; they take a good five minutes longer to come out for food.
I find that too, my Albino's are very active, and always come to the front, yet my Agazizi *sp?* never come out!
Hi, alanwebse; welcome to the forum :)
Corydoras are very social fish, and shouldn't be kept alone really. If you could get some friends for yours (always assuming your tank is large enough), it would be much happier :)
Purchased 2 Cory Sterbai's last week & I must say I have fell in love with them.. Such characters!

I love them that much I'm going to get 4 more this week :).

I'm feeding the tank tetra flake & frozen bloodworm. I bought some algae wafers for my Sterbai's but the molly's & platy's seem to fight over the tablet that's dropped & my Sterbai's don't get a sniff. So apart from flake & Bloodworm, what else are you guys feeding your corys?
I have bronze, albino, peppered, longfin peppers, ambiacus and delphax. Plus bronze fry. I feed them flake, spirulina tabs, algae wafers, bloodworm, and sometimes they'll get some peas. 
5 Corydoras Trilineatus

If I were to get more corydoras, these are the species I'd want
-Corydoras Sterbai
-Corydoras Similis
-Peruvian Green Laser Corydoras
-Corydoras Pygmaeus
-Corydoras Elegans

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