Which Corys Do You Have?

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I have

2 blue cory cats (name not known)
2 Bronze
1 Albino

My blue ones do some crazy things. Want to get a photo and post. :hyper:
I currently have -

2 Peppered cory
3 Salt & Pepper cory

These are undoubtedly my favourite :)



I will be increasing the numbers of each - they've only been in my tank since saturday :hyper:
i now have:

1 Agassizii
3 Bronze
6 Sterbai
10 Trilii
13 Pygmy

Hopeing to add some Panda's and Adolfi (sp?) if i get my new tank :shifty:
I've got 6 Adolfoi; lovely fish but very expensive..I do spend a lot of time sitting worrying wether they're all ok or not!
Hi everyone,
just a question for all you cory junkies ,will they harm themselves on chunky gravel,and can they be kept together with different colours ,also how big will the bronze cory grow .,i`ve been told 8cm?
I have two panda's, Ronnie and Reggie, brilliant fish, great characters
Hi everyone,
just a question for all you cory junkies ,will they harm themselves on chunky gravel,
I've just moved my cories onto sand and I won't ever keep them on gravel again. Gravel is too rough on their barbels, they can get infections from debris rotting in the gaps in it and the can't dig like they can in sand.
I honestly believe that if you want cories, you should get sand for them.
and can they be kept together with different colours ,
They are very good at shoaling with other cory species. I had one panda cory who was with six C. adolfoi for a few months and he seemed happy enough, but he's even happier now he has some buddies of his own.
also how big will the bronze cory grow .,i`ve been told 8cm?
yeah, bronze cories are one of the bigger species.
I had never kept corys before or even taken an interest until I read a post on this forum now I have 12 in total with the prospect of adding another 8 in the near future speicies I have so far are:

6 stirbai
2 albino
2 striped
2 peppered

The stirbai are my favourite fish in the tank. Do they ever get tired lol
I have 5 peppered corys, + my first batch of eggs! :D i hope they hatch ok! :wub:

i have:

1 trili
1 bronze
1 peppered
1 albino
i have sterbai and albino

i'm really tempted by either panda or skunk not sure i have room may need to buy a bigger tank

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