Where Has The Old Characters Gone....

I think its a natural progression of all forums, people will come and go, new blood is always a good thing, it brings in fresh ideas, its exciting to hear of new tanks starting, then the newbies become the oldies and the oldies sit back and watch their prodigies bloom :good: I like to help where I can, if my advice isn't spot on then there is always someone to put things right, no harm done. Debate is healthy. Each person brings something individual to a forum, What has to be avoided, is a clique forming so others feel they can't post. I think TFF has a great friendly and balanced feel, but just like siblings the odd voice is raised.
Without this forum I would still be 'thinking' about marines :good:

I would certainly second that, my transfer to marines so soon after starting with freshwater was particularly due to influences from this forum. It is also the reason behind my overdraft :lol: !! I just initiated this thread because so many people have disappeared, but progress is important....

That picture is not Tiger, its KJ, I could prob do a picture soon of my nice tan but my hair is poker straight im afraid not curly. I have changed the colour slightly but thats about it, I think thats a womans prerogative, change her mind about everything.

I am not that serious either, I do like a good laugh, and colins post certainly gave me that.
That picture is not Tiger, its KJ, I could prob do a picture soon of my nice tan but my hair is poker straight im afraid not curly. I have changed the colour slightly but thats about it, I think thats a womans prerogative, change her mind about everything.

I am not that serious either, I do like a good laugh, and colins post certainly gave me that.

I realised that very soon after posting hence the correction..... If I remember correctly though you are blonde? That is provided the picture you posted previously is actually of you. That reminds me of an amusing story.
One of the nurses I was working with once was using a dating service like match.com but she was very skeptical about it. She was telling us one tea break about this guy she had organised a date with, his personal information sounded very attractive. That was until she saw his picture; a guy in a suit standing by a Aston Martin DB9. She thought he looked strangely familiar...... then she realised he only used an image of James Bond :lol: !! Is that not brilliant!! Although I am not quite sure how he expected to get away with it.

Anyway sorry for my stupidity. KJ looks very serious, what an idiot I am :S .

Kindest regards
Yes I am blond, bottle obviously, I have 3 different colours now besides my own colour, funnily enough it looks more natural. I may have a picture from on holiday, but I am usually behind the camera rather than in front of it. I am usually posing very silly aswell, I think the only one on holiday of me we are imitating a Turkish waiter and saying something daft that he said alot.

Here we go


I am on the left, the other two are a couple we met out there about 4 yrs ago, they have their own apartment out there. As you can see, we are definately not serious. My other half turned his back to the camera so I cropped him out.
lol My hubby snapped the picture before I was ready and I hate pictures. I'm not doing a weird expression or anything so I decided it worked :lol: I put this one on facebook to show my family too.

My hair is naturally straight. The redo was the perm.


So sorry to hear that, grrrr bloody white spot!! It is a real pain when something like that hits you, what are you going to do now with regards a setup? And you corals are they still going or have they died off too? I am really wanting to separate my Euphyllia from the clams; halides are really too much for them.

its gettin re-stocked soon, still running. Added a UV. Theres 5 days left of my 8 week wait. Corals are fine, they are actually better as theres no fish waste pollouting the water.
Its Britney :drool:
Hey girl hows the new tour goin!
Love the hair do
Oops...I did it again
I don't get on, much, myself nowadays. I am recovering, atm, from the same affliction as inchworm. but I have noticed the lack of some "older" members. but it seems par for the course. these threads crop up every now and then. I really could not say the forum has changed, not here often enough. but the same questions seem to be asked time and time again. i guess anybody would get board after so long. I'll pop in on inverts, especially Crayfish, and with questions on filtration. but apart from that, my tank is stable, i don't have any deaths, i don't need any more fish and my tanks have never suffered any form of fish illness. so what can i find out here, or indeed offer? but if i have a view, or advice, i will offer it. as for some members "not taking any notice" of posts. that too is a long standing feature of TFF.
lol BigC, that quote is very true but it also doesn't warn you about what happens when your other half ends up even more addicted then you. I thought I was bad but lyn is even worse than me (She still "lets" me do all the dirty work and heavy lifting though :) ).

"why dont we go to bed baby"
"not until you do a waterchange and fill the top up bottle up" :rolleyes:

I try to get on when I can but after moving in with my other half a few months back I have just had to much going on to get online very often (plus we have only just got internet sorted at the house :) ).
ooo why thank you seffie. :blush: I'm 26 :)

I also have more of a tan in the 2nd photo. Went camping the weekend before. Got a bit burned :crazy:
You mean you left the tank for a weekend KJ, do people do that....... And you are an attractive woman (CF rubs his thighs in a Vic Reeves kind of pose :lol:). CF now hoping your 'hubby' does not send the boys round please :look: ??

So Ben do you still have that lovely wall hammer coral??


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