Where Do You Keep Your Corys?

We have a very small house. It is 3 bedroom, but there are 4 of us. One very small bathroom, and the livingroom and dinningroom are the same room.
That said...
I have a 10g by the bed, a 10g on my desk (in the bedroom), a 10g behind my desk, and a betta bowl on my desk. That is 4 in my bedroom.
There is a 15g in my little girl's room.
Then there is a 55g and a 29g in the livingroom. (one on each end of the couch)
I also have a 55g and 2 20g long tanks in the living room waiting to get set up somewhere. I am building a stand that will hold the 2 55g tanks, and I have one that I think will work for the 2 20g long tanks. I am just hunting a workable space.
My clausets are full, I don't have a counter by my sink in the bathroom, and the temp in the kitchen changes too much. I am in the process of moving things around trying to find space that will work for all of my tanks and still leave us room to function. Right now I have no idea where they will all end up. Maybe I will get some good ideas from here...
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But I told you Brits like their bathroom humor! :rofl:
wow im gobsmacked lol , fish tanks in bathrooms!!! :unsure: lmao, in england we get enough sink to do the basic 'wash our face' and just enough room to turn around in our bathrooms let alone put any tanks in there and we dont have plug sockets unless personally fitted lol what an interesting post, lol :D :D

Send the UK some electrical sockets so they can keep their Corys in the loo!
Lots of nice tanks here! :D

Ok, front room 3 tanks...


moonlight phase

30l biorb

60l biorb


Back room
baby biorb on the pc desk




and a tiny hospital tank

Beautiful tanks, jennybugs :cool: You have a cute kitty cat too. Does she or he pay attention to the fish?


Oh, jollysue, you will be moving again! What a job that is, but lucky you will have lots of help this time. I bet you can't wait for that to be over. :hyper:

I'm hoping to see some pictures from your new camera too. I've been thinking that a digital SLR is the way to go when it comes to taking pictures of fish. Alternately, why not take a picture of your new camera, using your old camera, to ease our curiosity?


I love your tanks, Barracuda518! They all look like perfect miniature worlds. :D
Man you guys have some great tanks! So artistic! I just throw stuff in! I just moved the WC panda, duplicarus, gossei, suessi crew in with the Super Schwartzi and the 3 WC wietzmani. It is working out very well. Those dancing pandas and duplicarus have livened everything up. For the first time I saw the Schwartzi swim up and down a little. They never leave the tank bottom.

I got the substrate changed in two tanks. One is the Brochis/sterbai tank. They were very happy after and were swimming all over very happily. The poor Brochis got pinned in the nets I used to scoop the sand out, but they recovered very quickly and happily. The other tank is going to sit empty of fish until the new fish come in. It's kind of a long time to sit w/o fish, but I think it will work with a little planning.

I may try some pics tomorrow or Sunday. But there is sand everyplace.

I think I will be able to house the shipment coming in w/o setting up the new tank until I move.
Olympus Evolt 510 I have a macro lens for shooting the fishes on back order, but it comes with 2 lenses.
Enough chatter!

The first tank inside the bathroom door blocking the loo.






The fish


40 usg 30" Sea Clear Tall w/ an Eclipse hood

It is going to take time to get more pics up. They are taken and on the desk top, but they take some time and power to edit. My laptop may not be able to handle it. I will have to get my xps Dell Media Center back up to snuff.
Beautiful tanks, jennybugs :cool: You have a cute kitty cat too. Does she or he pay attention to the fish?
Thanks :D

The kitty just loves sitting there watching the tanks with me :D

I've got some more pics of the cats with my tanks on my home pc. I'll post them up later :D
There are so many gorgeous tanks. jennybugs, Polardbear, and Barracuda: You guys have awsome style.

Polardbear: I have a similar shelf in the hall intrance to the bathroom. I have the 20 long, 2x 10 usg, and a 5 Hex on it. It needs adjusting, which I will do when I move, so I can fit the tanks better.

Jennybugs: Your tanks are loevly. You have put lots of energy into them. I am sure the fish are fasinated with the cat! :hyper: :lol: My terrior, Whiskers, does so want to catch a Cory. He goes up and tries to bite them through the glass. I am sure he thinks my Corys are pet mice.

It's really a nice idea for a thread, Inchy. I hope we get some more posts here.
Jennybugs: Your tanks are loevly. You have put lots of energy into them. I am sure the fish are fasinated with the cat! :hyper: :lol: My terrior, Whiskers, does so want to catch a Cory. He goes up and tries to bite them through the glass. I am sure he thinks my Corys are pet mice.
Thanks :D

The fish are totally unfussed about the cats and ignore them when they're watching their Cat TVs :lol:

As promised...a few shots, mostly of my 30L orb when I first got it hence the emptiness of it :lol:


The queueing viewing system


Shame I didn't catch any fish in this shot :lol:


and just for the record...a few of my cories





NB please note my cories aren't kept in the Biorbs as the foot print is WAY too small. They started off in my 50L and then progressed to my 125L tank :D
This is the 3rd 10g tank in my bedroom. This one is my lf albino peppers. They are on a very old sterio. (with the lift up lid)
I have to get a pic of the others. I will add them later.

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