Where can i get Blue LED's


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
I want to set up a Moon light effect, and i cant find a double strip that will fit my hood, and that is in my price range (150.00 Yikes!)

The LED's are like 40 - 60 US on ebay, and that's still a bit pricey for me.

Any idea where i can buy some that will work the same?
LEDs for that much?????????????? Thats insane, go check Radioshack they are like $5 to like few cents each, depending on stuff.
I think he is talking about the whole fixture.. That is still expensive tho.. All you need are the LEDs, a circuitboard and a DC powersupply.. I got some of the blue leds free from a member from another board.. :)
if your after just the LED's have a look on ebay for them (rather than the complete kits...

all you'll need is a multi voltage adapter (you know the things to power anything from the mains, with the cross adapter on it) and a drop down resistor to limit the current to the LED's.

I'm running 3 'Golden Dragon' LED's (from OSRAM) in our 2ft tank and they work fine :)
i thoulth of that aswell but now i am thinking of putting a neon wire


i may be wrong, but i dont think the neon 'wire' stuff will be bright enough...
here is mine with the LED's...

as you can see the LED's are really bright and the light that penitrates it only just bright enough.. could really do with another in there.

3 ultra bright LED's (blue golden dragons for anyone interested)
a small dropdown resistor
and a 9v PP3. (now replaced with a mains transformer as the LED's are high current)


Smith... where did you get everything to do that? and where did you attach the lights? i only have the hood that came on the tank... a hinged part that is 1 inch off the water (where i feed) and then the light strip is only big enough for the bulb that is in there. did you make a custom hood?
its the standard hood.. but its a 'blow moulded' plastic thing with loads of room.

It's really bodged together...

I've used 2 wooden kebab skewers with 3 bits of stripboard (used for electronics prototyping) siliconed between the skewers.

i then wired the LEDs together in parrallel and put a small resistor across them to limit the current. then there is a 9v battery connector on the end.

then comes the really technical bit... its bluetacked in place :)

I got the LED's from my last job ;) they are a bit pricey these ones.
Well, my husband has moonlighting on his tank, here is all his info and pics. (with his permission of course)

"I wanted to add some night lights to the tank also so I researched a few options (LED, Rope light, neons & cold cathodes). I decided to go with the cold cathodes since I have used them several times on PC case moddes and thought they would give the best results. I stopped by Comp USA and picked up a $20 Twin Blue cold cathode kit. The kit included 2 10" Blue cold cathode lights, an on/off switch, instalation hardware and conected straight into a 4 prong outlet from a PC power supply. The lights run on 12 volts, so I took an old cable modem adapter that i had that produced 12 volts and chopped then end off and stripped the wires. I then connected the on/off switch on the lights and then chopped & stripped the wires after the switch conect. I spliced the wires together, tested it and then installed into the canopy. The whole thing start to finish (installed and running in canopy took me about 20 mins. The lights look great and the fish LOVE them. "

Daytime lighting

Nightime lighting





Hopefully this helps. Here is a moonlighting link to a discussion on them that answers some more questions, or feel free to pm me.
I DIY'd moonlighting on my 10 gal nano reef. I used "mood lighting" for your car. I found it at Target for $5.99. It came with 2 blue LEDs with swivel bases and a double-sided tape to attach them. I took the cigarette lighter power supply apart, wired an old cellphone charger to it and VIOLA!! Moonlight. Very easy to do. Just be sure you are not putting more voltage to them than they can take.

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