Bruce Leyland-Jones
Fish Aficionado
So the water remains stable so far and the Cherry Barb seemed happy enough, exploring the whole of the tank, before 'Sunset' and then 'Moonlight' happened.
I was impressed by the look of the Chilli Rasboras and Copper Harlequin, so there's some more shoaling possibilities.
In a South American-themed tank, finding lower level fish was relatively easy, with lots of smaller 'suckermouth' catfish to choose from, as well as that large range of different Cory species. If you recall, I went for a bristlenose plec and a swarm of Pygmy Corydoras...job done and I do believe that some cleaning is done around the tank...which is nice.
For an Asian-themed tank, it appears to be a little trickier.
Both Panda Garra and Hillstream Mountain Loach spring to mind, but both of these require faster running waters, reminiscent of mountain streams, that wouldn't suit my other fish. Other loach are a possibility, although most are too large and require too many friends to be able to properly thrive in my tank.
My nerites are doing fine and I assume they'll be munching on waste and so I'm looking at the Kuhli loach.
If I look at a number of these, I suspect that they will show themselves, regularly enough...they did in a previous tank, before disappearing to take up daytime residence under the undergravel filter!
Finally, I'm also thinking more seriously about shrimp.
My tank has lots of planting, including quite a bit of Java Moss and the wood I used was deliberately chosen for its many holes, caves and crevices.
One point about my filter is that the flow appears gentle enough to suit my fish, even if I was to go a 'dwarf' Gourami route.
Remember I've added an extra sponge layer and a filter floss layer.
That said, there's not much by way of surface agitation, so I've added two bubblers, powered by an Oase OxyMax 400. This pump easily runs the two supplied bubblers and it the force of each can be easily adjusted.
I was impressed by the look of the Chilli Rasboras and Copper Harlequin, so there's some more shoaling possibilities.
In a South American-themed tank, finding lower level fish was relatively easy, with lots of smaller 'suckermouth' catfish to choose from, as well as that large range of different Cory species. If you recall, I went for a bristlenose plec and a swarm of Pygmy Corydoras...job done and I do believe that some cleaning is done around the tank...which is nice.
For an Asian-themed tank, it appears to be a little trickier.
Both Panda Garra and Hillstream Mountain Loach spring to mind, but both of these require faster running waters, reminiscent of mountain streams, that wouldn't suit my other fish. Other loach are a possibility, although most are too large and require too many friends to be able to properly thrive in my tank.
My nerites are doing fine and I assume they'll be munching on waste and so I'm looking at the Kuhli loach.
If I look at a number of these, I suspect that they will show themselves, regularly enough...they did in a previous tank, before disappearing to take up daytime residence under the undergravel filter!
Finally, I'm also thinking more seriously about shrimp.
My tank has lots of planting, including quite a bit of Java Moss and the wood I used was deliberately chosen for its many holes, caves and crevices.
One point about my filter is that the flow appears gentle enough to suit my fish, even if I was to go a 'dwarf' Gourami route.
Remember I've added an extra sponge layer and a filter floss layer.
That said, there's not much by way of surface agitation, so I've added two bubblers, powered by an Oase OxyMax 400. This pump easily runs the two supplied bubblers and it the force of each can be easily adjusted.