IMHO appears to be too many forums & sub-forums here. What’s wrong with titled threads?
Every thread has a title!
The idea of sub-Forums is to encourage people to make their post in the relevant place.
Most info about plants can be found in 'Planted Chit Chat', fish emergencies can be found in Tropical Fish Emergencies and anything to do with livebearers can be found in Livebearers.
If we only had thread titles, we'd need everyone to title their thread properly, and that often doesn't happen.
If I want to read about Livebearers, I don't want to have to be wading through a whole load of irrelevance about marine fish, or pets, or personal issues, or introductions, or metric vs. imperial measurements, etc..
This journal of mine is a good example of how easily things can get out of hand. Anyone simply wanting to read about the progress of my setting up of two tanks has to now wade through a whole load of guff that's neither use nor ornament and nothing to do with my tanks...this post being one of them.
Even for myself, looking for the names of the plants I've planted, I've had to scan lots of completely useless pages.