When the sleeper wakes...

We have a long and complex friendship. ;)
Those are the types my dogs get first!
Ammonia at 0mg/l
GH 60mg/l
KH 40mg/l
pH 7.0
NO2 Nitrite 0mg/l
NO3 Nitrate 0mg/l
Temperature 26°C

Still a vague hint of 'bloom'...
Today, I'm going to tinker again with the filter...just in case the 'bloom' is actually fine sand dust, which appears when I do planting. Adding a simple floss layer should help, if that's what it is.
The two opposed thumb opening method might be OK for the time being but once the hooligans are at home, I really wouldn't recommend doing it......"low flying fish poo" when the top comes off a tad suddenly ;)

My 12 ceramics with slithers & tiny squares of carbon/ammonia/phosphate matting and floss on top does seem to be working well in my Turbo.

One bugbear of an aquarium are the corners, since that is where diatom lurk when they feel ready to attack everything on a new aquarium or occasionally a more matured one....I have found that a Turbo tends to knock it back with full strength flow chosen for a while (doesn't hurt the fish to be on full tilt...they seem to quite enjoy it)

If your Turbo is sucking sand, I suggest either a piece of slate on the sand directly below it and/or a doughnut of sponge in the bottom guard (if not using the huge sponge already, if using the huge sponge a piece of slate is also useful underneath to help prevent sand clog)
The two opposed thumb opening method might be OK for the time being but once the hooligans are at home, I really wouldn't recommend doing it......"low flying fish poo" when the top comes off a tad suddenly ;)
Repeated testing convinces me I can work the top loose gradually and slowly. No poop on my shirt!
One bugbear of an aquarium are the corners, since that is where diatom lurk when they feel ready to attack everything on a new aquarium or occasionally a more matured one....I have found that a Turbo tends to knock it back with full strength flow chosen for a while (doesn't hurt the fish to be on full tilt...they seem to quite enjoy it)
I've deliberately placed plants and wood to break up potentially strong currents and the whole tank was designed to facilitate a flow of waste from one end to another, where I can syphon it up when necessary.
If your Turbo is sucking sand, I suggest either a piece of slate on the sand directly below it and/or a doughnut of sponge in the bottom guard (if not using the huge sponge already, if using the huge sponge a piece of slate is also useful underneath to help prevent sand clog)
I already have a large flat slate beneath the filter, again, for ease of syphoning. The filter isn't really sucking sand as such and, having now added the floss, I'm more convinced that the less-than-clear water is due to a bacterial bloom, which will dissipate soon enough.

My filter has the large attached sponge on the bottom. Inside the cannister, there's a custom-cut piece of filter sponge from my established tank and the supplied ceramic 'noodles', which I've also added to. Finally, there's the floss.
A bit after the event, but included just for the completeness of record.
Take one matured filter sponge from an established tank, cut to fit and add to new filter.
DON'T throw away the bits, 'cos they're also full of BB.



The sponge was then pushed in and the ceramic 'noodles' put in on top.


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