When Can A New Member Access The Chat Room?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 16, 2013
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I have been researching the forum and I cannot seemt o find the answer so I will ask here. I just joined yesterday and while I am no longer restricted as far as having mods monitoring my posts, I am unable to join chat? At what point will I be able to access everything? 
**Nevermind, I found my answer :)
Thank you though. I am still learning where all the pertinent information needed on the forum is. Anytime someone can point me in the right direction i will always be most gratuitous.
One thing to note is that the Moderation Team usually spot people who "spam" the forum to artificially increase their post count, in order to access the chat room. In such circumstances, we are able remove access on an individual basis. ;)
The chat room should be looked upon as a small bonus for long term members.
It is not, nor should it be, the main focus of the site. Most questions are far better asked on the main forum, as a lot of members don't use chat, so you'll get better and more detailed answers on the forum.
We also get a lot of traffic from lurkers (and through search engines) so it's a help to the fishkeeping community as a whole to have questions and answers out in the open so everyone, members or not, can benefit :)
I see that most of you already answered the question!
Like every one said, the chat function is simply a small addon that you can try to use if you have an urgency or something like it..
I really prefer posting on the forums tho as
1. It helps anyone out there who needs help.
2. More people can see my post
3. Encourages people to join the forums as they see lots of people are getting answers to their questions.
This is what made me join the forum, I saw that everyone was really kind and answered questions, in any case, it will be really rare to see a post without any answers for more than 24 hours.
And in any case, there is barely anyone on the chat anyways! :p
It was just something I noticed my first day here. I was exploring the site and notice that I was unable to access it. It was a curiosity is all.
SimpleDog said:
It was just something I noticed my first day here. I was exploring the site and notice that I was unable to access it. It was a curiosity is all.
Don't worry, my post was a message to all, not specifically to you. ;)

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