What's Your Claim To Fame?.

Damien Hirst was the artist with the sheep so I guess it is the same bloke....

Yeah I think thats the guy! Hope your mum is ok!

Thanks Natsuko :)

other claims to fame

in the late 60's and early 70's my parents were very active in the London Science Fiction scene and had many authors as friends includding Arthur C Clarke among others as a baby and toddler I often went to parties where they were and shared breakfast etc and even had bedtime stories read, my dad was the founder chairman and my mum the secretary of the Tolkien Society (also early 70's) and still have reel to reel tapes of the first meetings with me and my brother chatting away in the background.

In 1989 I met sat next to and talked to Princess Diana, who was stuningly pretty and very very friendly and was wearing the biggest saphire in a ring I have ever seen :hyper: I am not a royalist at all but she really was lovely

My dad was the Engineering Manager of Commodore UK and we had the 1st 64k Commodore Pet in the UK :D nothing like using Audio tapes to store your programms on :lol: :lol:
:*) Don't know if I should own up to this ;but while me and my mate queued up to see Bros all night at the Manchester Apollo, the next morning;cos we were at the front, we were asked if we could help make the butties for the band and crew We did so and then stood right out the front for the gig. It was so funny cos when they leapt down from this pretend wall Luke went flying :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh Memories memories :wub:
Hi Just picked up this thread
My claims to fame

A woman I worked with used to get the bus into town everynight with John Lennon

Dee Dee Ramone gave me his plectrum (which I've now lost! :no: )

I have stroked Damon Albarn and held his hand :wub:

I am in the new Gorillaz dvd - I went backstage before the gig at Manchester with some others and did some filming. I was also on channel 4 on Friday night - Gorillaz gig again (I missed it but my friend saw me!)

How cool is that?
Oh umm! Some good ones here. Here's mine for what they're worth...
My second cousin was a famous classical musician. (Died some years ago and I can't remember his name)
I work for HIM. :D
Been on tv a few times and did a radio interview last year for Irish radio (to do with the above band).
My best friends sister works for sonybmg and has met and worked with more famous ppl then you can shake a stick at. :lol: She's also a close friend of mine.
Her and her sister (my bezza friend) are responsible for the uprising of above mentioned band in this country and getting them signed over here in the first place.
I've met a number of famous types and failed to be starstruck at any time. Bygones.
I've yet to forgive one of the members of HIM for giving me the flu (Thanks so much you total smeghead) and Ville for smegging me off last year by practically starting an arguement in the press lounge. :grr: I shall get him back. :hey:
Was in a Mother and Baby mag about 8 and a half years ago when pregnant for my daughter. :*)
I was on the Vietnamese equvilent of "good morning america" singing a traditional native song. I personally think I sounded quite awful, but luckily it was in a forgeign langauge, thus neatly evading true review.

My writing archive gets hits from upwards of 12 different countries across the world, and I've been translated into 2 different langauges.

I almost met Martha Stewart? Oo She canceled at the last minute, though.
MY dad played with John Entwistle the bass player from the WHO.

Knoel edmands ( sp) also pushed my dads speakers over onto a girl at a concert.

about it really
I'm not famous but I live near the Sundance Film Festival and I've been a few times, yep seen all the movie stars that anyone would ever care to. In the end they're all snobs anyway. My wife met the gang from Friends once though. And I've met tons of underground Punk celebrities, they've slept on my living room floor after gigs.
I was a model for a Benetton fall catalogue. If anybody remembers what Benetton was.
i met the arctic monkeys last month before the plymouth pavillions gig they were cool
Just last year i shook hands and met Shawn desmonds, Brandy, and P. Diddy choreographer and we chatted for abit. Its big deal for me cus i love dancing. I got to learn some moves from a video he did.
I guess its not really fame but my uncle created/invented Skyjack which sells power lifts all over the world. Million dollar company, woo hooo lol.

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