What's Your Claim To Fame?.

Its more of a "lame to fame" really but Guiness guzzeling funny man Jonny Vegas kicked me up the arse at a gig in glasgow 2 years ago......it was a good one aswell!

P.S. The gig was his of course....not mine.
The only one I can even think of was when I was an extra on a tv show back in highschool. I can't even remember the name. The main character was a mountie? Hmm. Anyway. They did an episode at a baseball diamond, and my media class took a trip there and sat in the bleachers for 4 hours. I didnt even get to see the episode to see if I could see me.

oh! I was at a outdoor concert 3 or 4 years back seeing Sloan, and they did a autograph session while the next band was setting up. I forget which member it was, but me and my friend were having a discussion with him - they were getting heavy into politics. He accidentally spat his gum on my friend, so we pretended to attack him... we were punching him and almost threw him to the ground.
  • When I was 5, I pushed Peter Sellers into a swimming pool in Majorca and he badly grazed his shin on the side of the pool.
  • My Mum was once married (for two years) to Roy Minter who wrote the movie 'Scum'
  • When I was eight, Tom Baker came into the Pub my parents owned and told me a story. I was in awe of him and kept asking him if he'd left the TARDIS in the carpark.
  • I once help puppet an animatronic white lion with Jim Henson's son Brian while on work experiance at Eltree Studios during the making of Henson's The Storyteller
  • I took a pee on the Gotham set of the first Batman movie during the same work experiance placement. the set was so huge that they'd built the toilets right into the set.
  • My late Grandmother on my Father's side is second cousin to the late HRH Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother.
Hmm. Dunno if this counts but here it goes lol.

When I was nine I went on stage with Metallica and gave them a rose and James Hetfield gave me a hug. I kept that shirt forever :D

Umm, a few months ago I got to go backstage with Jethro Tull and this amazing violinst who was playing with him although I cant remember her name at the moment. Ian Anderson (lead singer) took a picture with my dad and I and then signed by flute :wub:

Uhh, well thats about all for me although my best friend and my grandpa have TONS more.

My friends uncle is a music producer and is who made Uncle Cracker aand Simple Plan who they are. Their family gets to listen to all the records before they are released and decide which should be the cover/names/order/etc. She goes out to eat and on tours with them like its nothing :lol:

My grandpa writes for the newspaper and has interviewed so many people I can't even remember lol. The two that stick in my head the most is Julia Roberts and the band Godsmack.

Yeah, lame I know :p
  • My late Grandmother on my Father's side is second cousin to the late HRH Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother.
:lol: the "SirMinion" is so very apt ! So we have Royalty amongst us ?!
I just remembered!

A song recorded using the drumkit I own (not the model, the actual kit) went top 40 in japan.
Not exactly a claim to fame but my art teacher used to teach the guy that cut a cow and its calf in half and had it so you could walk through don't know the artists name! But it was a bit contraversial at the time!
Damien Hirst was the artist with the sheep so I guess it is the same bloke....

As to my brother blowing the house up here is a link to our local newspaper Newstory and pics

Fot thoses that are nosey about the outcome.... my mums doing really well and came home from hospital today( has to go back everyday) but may still need skin grafts and my brother is healing really well too :D

Propane gas is bad :-(
Im not sure if this counts but:

My friend made and invention at a school invention fair that your required to do (in 6th grade) and he got so recognized that he was in the local papers and on one of the most famous radio shows in the Minneapolis/St.Paul area (Joe Soucheray).

But the one im most proud of even though its not much and the only thing ive got is that:

My grandmother was a friend of an olympic skier in the city of Glazov where i was born (in Russia near the Ural mountains) (im not sure how she did in the olympics though)

But soon you guys in a couple of years will be saying: "I posted on the same fish forum as this guy who is very famous now!"

-I sat next to Liam Neeson at the Armory in NYC for an entire boxing match right after he had filmed Rob Roy. He came in with Matthew Modine. LeRoy Neiman painted him throughout the match.

-After 9/11, I met Rudy Giuliani at the funeral of a friend who lost his son....shook his hand and got to speak with him and thank him

-stood elbow to elbow with Robin Williams in the China Club in NYC during his early days of fame many years ago

-met Buzz Aldrin on a cruise..got him to sign a book he had written

-met a Titanic survivor

-I started a sports team as a club when I was a freshman in college and it went on to become an NCAA DIV I ranked team.

Otherwise, no other claims to fame. SH

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