1. My Frshwater Barracuda named Cuda (by far the greatest fish ever)
2. My 8 inch Silver Dollar
3. All my Angelfish
4. My German Blue Rams
5. My Bristlenose Plecs
I almost said ADFs, but then I remembered, 'hey wait a minute, they aren't fish!' So far I have three out of five, sooooo.... guess I need two more big tanks huh?
wow, some of you guys have some pretty awesome fish. Since I only have 5 species, my list is:
- rubber lipped plec
- marble angel
- cardinal tetras
-dalmation mollies
-sunset platies
My list looks a wee bit common compared to some of yours.. but I love all my fish and wouldn't trade them for anything (although I am still working on getting a second tank so I can get some additional fish!! )
1) Common pleco
2) Penguin tetras
3) Silver dollar
4) An unidentified cichlid I had many years ago. He was about 6 inches long, and I have never been able to find another cichlid that looked anything like him.
5) Tiger barbs
1. Ghost Shrimp - The best dime you can ever spend. (not really a fish though)
2. My betta, Atticus - He's just cool
3. Sterbai Cories - Very active and outgoing
4. Glowlight Tetras - Cheap and colorful
5. Melanochromis Auratus - Beautiful and mean
so far
1- red tailed shark that i got today
2- albino cories
3- green cories
4- male betta
5- pictus catfish which unfortunately got too big and had to go. im working on getting some more thoguh.