What's on Your Fishkeeping Bucket List?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 25, 2021
Reaction score
South East, England
Tell us something you want to achieve/do during your time as a fishkeeper. This can be anything from having a marine tank, keeping a rare type of fish, breeding something, finding rare plants, e.c.t.

So far, my bucket list or list of things to get done one day are:
- Keeping Black Venezuelan Corydoras
- Keeping otocinclus
- Breeding zebra plecos
- Ugly kid-style fish tank. Rainbow gravel and unicorn ornaments.
-get bamboo/vampire shrimp
-fire red shrimp
-sell some baby guppies to earn some $$$$
-get some sorta schooling fish in hard water tank
-make my plants grow better
-live/frozen food, live is hard to find sadly :(

-common pleco
-birstlenose pleco
I’d love to hve a 10,000 litre garden pond heated and filtered and be a full Amazon biotope with a walk down and glass to watch them a bit like a penguin enclosure lol
Have a massive fishroom just dedicated my fish. Im talking like 30 tanks with all different types from big to small fish with various size tanks. What a dream that is. Maybe one day ?
Have a massive fishroom just dedicated my fish. Im talking like 30 tanks with all different types from big to small fish with various size tanks. What a dream that is. Maybe one day ?
that is a dream or something that has already happened to proabbly everybody on this forum!!
Hello :)
A HUGE schooling tank : 10 ft long with 3 large schools of Carnegiella, Tanichthys linni/micagemma, and Corydoras gracilis.

And...... every single mouthbrooder wild Betta !

Also a HUGE (of course) reef tank with black sand and black lava rochs, large schools of Pterapogon kauderni, Chromis viridis, Gramma Loreto, and Amphiprion ocellaris "black misbar".....

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Breed Cory Hastatus
Convert an in-ground in-door/out-door swimming pool to a massive freshwater biotope with tons of schooling tetras, cories, plants, driftwood
(I don't have a swimming pool, but it would be pretty great)
Freshwater stingray
Dwarf seahorse saltwater tank

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