Whats A Big Fish For A 29


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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What's a big fish that all living requirements could be met in a 29 gallon and live comfortably for it's whole life. Biggest the best, my uncle was wondering what the biggest fish he could have, thanks :good:

What does your uncle want?

ie. Single fish? Mating pair? Aggresive? peaceful?

Not knowing anything about that kind of limits us.

Tell him to get a sanchezi. He'll love playing with the lil cutie. ;)
Anything, he just wants a big fish or multiple ones, he doesn't want a small fish in other words. He doesn't really mater though he's not gona want fry. A sanchezi is a pirhana isn't it, wouldn't it get too big than?
Anything, he just wants a big fish or multiple ones, he doesn't want a small fish in other words. He doesn't really mater though he's not gona want fry. A sanchezi is a pirhana isn't it, wouldn't it get too big than?

Sanchezi is a piranha but it stays small. I think CFC has one in a 20g.

They are mean, tho. The ones i had wouldn't let me stick my hand in the tank so it was a chore at times. You'd have to keep him alone as he'd likely kill anything put in with him.
Some discus and pleco get pretty big! I think some sharks like the Bala can grow up to a foot too!
I am not at all an oddball person, so anything I say must be doublechecked, but it may be that you could fit a senegal bichir in there. Or a rainbow snakehead.
Or on a totally different tack, a small group of pearl gouramis (only one male).
senegal bichir no because it needs the lenght, I'v personally wanted one and can't since I have the same tank, snakeheads are illegal in the US which is where I'm located. Gouramis maybe. hmm should this be in the oddball section? discus too finicky for him, plecos already have, balas get too big.
get a tad pole...they are awesome and then when they grow up you can feed them to the giant knife fish you put in your 29 gallon tank...=P
By big fish, do you mean like a centerpiece or just fish bigger than, let's say, about 3-4" in general?
Anyways, here are some fish to consider:
Zebra Loach - not really a centerpiece fish, best to have a group
German Blue Ram - you could stick two in a 29g
RTBS - you might be able to just have one of these guys, i dunno; imo, i think theyre too large for 29g
Firemouth(goes together with Convict)
Convict(goes together with Firemouth)

Those are some fish I was considering for my 29g. maybe a group of zebra loaches and 2 german rams? or 1 firemouth and 1 convict. That's what I would do if I restarted my 29g. I'm pretty sure if you get an rtbs, you'll have to keep him alone.
Fishwatcher, yup got the gourami idea down thanks

gallum 8, uh knife fish would get too big, thanks for the thought though

kelp that firemouth and convict sounds like a nice combo, think he could have a BN pleco in there also?
i'd get him to look into some of the medium-sized cichlids; convicts and jack dempseys spring to mind as good choices. 7" is about as large as he can expect to get without getting a sedentary ambush predator.

since he's looking for "the biggest fish he can get in there", then i doubt that he'd be interested in something that spent 90% of its time hidden in sand :lol:
If he wants big fish he'll need a big tank. There's no way a JD could or should be put in a 30g. 55g absolute minimum. He could have a pair of convicts (although pair = multiple virtually unsellable babies) or angels, as long as the tank was 18" deep. Erm...a pair of keyholes or maybe even rainbow cichlids at a push?

Seriously though, should we be working out what the biggest fish you could put in a small tank was? Wouldn't it be better to say - what will fit in comfortably and happily, rather than what's the biggest I could get in there? :huh:

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