What Would You Put In My Tank

I would get a few more Harlequins. They'll feel safer in a group and they'll be happier. Try to bring their numbers up to about 8.
I would do that but I'm not a real big fan of harlequins, only reason why I have them is because a guy told me a year back I could put three of these in a 2.5 gallon tank and I did not realizing they need a larger tank so I bought three more and stuck them in my large tank. I think the 2.5 stunted there growth and there colors are not as good as the ones I bought and stuck in the large tank. They stay together now on the left side of the tank since that's theres and the right is the angels and play with the guppies. I know it's mean but I really don't like these fish, I don't know why. Right now I'm just giving them good care and letting them live out there life and when they die get different fish, is this ok to do? They seem to love frozen blood worms too.

try some kind of platy or sword tails. or black skirt tetras there big enough to survive the angels.
I'v thought of platies and sword tails though how do you tell the difference between male and females and they would play with my guppy right? Would black skirt tetras nip my angels fins though?

I had bought a four otos but three died and I'v heard that if i buy another one they won't care about each other and leave each other alone

I find this comment interesting. I originally bought 4 ottos for my tank, lost 3 of them, and then bought 3 more.
Of the new 3, I lost 1 more, but the remaining three can always be found hanging out together, feeding together and will frantically dart around the tank looking for one another if they become separated.

They all came from the same store, but from 2 different shipments to the store.
This is just what I heard before though since you seem to have had good luck maybe I will try it out if I can find any because there hard for me to find.

Karin15 about catfish I was thinking something like that but don't know of any catfish that can be by itself and stay small and cories I would like but would have to make sure I get a small species. German rams I'v never seen by me though maybe I could find some.
Black skirts probably wont but the angels, german rams are very atractive they are yellow with blue spots and red eyes.
all corries stay small, they prefer to be in groups of 3 or more but I have had success with just one, also upside down catfish only get 3 inches long.
Wouldn't it eat my guppy for sure and possibly my rasboras though, I'v always wanted one though.
O ok I'll have to look into some black skirts. Don't ABF's jump though?

afb's are harmless mine is totaly cool, but once in a wile he is agresive towards top swimming fish, yes make sure you have a tight cover, my afb has never even eaten a neon, they rarely swim lower than 1 inch from the top usaly right up against the surface.
afb's are realy nice I think you should get one -_-

its beter to have a biger tank for them, also there super hardy :)
Ya since there jumpers i can't get one because I'm going to upgrade my lighting and it won't have a lid so that won't work out and my mom won't let me get another tank.

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