What Would You Do


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2009
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i have an aqua grande 120

and i am unsure what to put in it

2 bullrouts and an oscar


a tropical tank with
bala sharks, congo tetras, angels, discus, bristlenose catfish, gold gourami, moonlight gourami, pearl gourami, buenos aries tetras

if you had the choice what would you go with,
or any other suggestions
I wouldn't advise the second set up at all. Semi aggressive fish with discus would cause a big problem. If you really want discus and you want to keep them happy and healthy its a serious undertaking your talking good water changes of 50% or more at least 3 days a week. They are also best kept in a group of at least 6 but it your size tank I'd say 6 would be your max. I would recommend not adding Angels with them there is a bit debate on whether or not you can keep them together on some other website so I'd advise not adding angels. You could keep a couple Bristlenose to keep the tank even though they might not like the temp. Remember a Discus tank is best kept at 28-29 degrees Celsius and a 7.0 or lower pH. You could add a small species of fish in a shoal like harlequin rasboras or Cardinal tetras but be aware when Discus get bigger they may eat smaller fish. Having discus I'm just stressing how finicky these fish are. But do it right and the rewards are great.
As for Oscars, I have never had them so I can't offer any advise
ok i have decided to go with a tropical community tank without the discus, what would you suggest as stocking, i reslly don't want to have any real small fish like neon tetras,
i really want congo tetras, bala sharks, angels, gold gourami, moonlight gourami, pearl gourami, chocolate gourami, buenos aries tetras, a pleco of some sort, any other suggestions.
Bala Sharks need something close to twice the length of your tank as they get bigger.

Have you reseached whether there is a reasonable chance that those those four Gouramis will not get aggressive with each other?
so bala sharks are out, i should of said i would like those fish but nothing is certain, i am after suggestions.
You also need to look at how aggressive/territorial each species can be. And decide if you what a peaceful community tank, a Semi-aggressive tank or aggressive tank. As some tetras will nip Finns and cause stress on peaceful species. Also some fish like Gouramis can fight with each other if there is more than one male. Is your tank 120 liters?
Ajs2294, the tank is 285L

I think you can also rule out an oscar unless you plan on only having the 1 fish in the tank.

I believe your tank is about 75 gallons?

Recommended tank size for an oscar is 75 gallons lol, but thats with no other fish and also with double filtration, to have an oscar with tank mates you'd be looking at a 100+ gallon tank.

How about severums?


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