Fish Crazy
I LOVE that idea Lcc! It is a bit sad that youtubers can't be bothered to cycle though... I guess when you're ripping down the tank in a month, it'll never really matter 
The Gourami dream is indeed alive, that's why I was curious to see if pearls and sparklers could go together. Just imagining a shoal of sparklers swimming along with the neons while the pearls just lazily dirft around... I think I agree, I like things that are different, and also am trying to get away from the 'stereotypical' aquarium (although I can't drop the neons and cories, stereotypical as they are they're just too cute and I LOVE shiny fish).
It is funny about gallons/liters, we usually use liters but to me gallons just makes sense in an aquarium and any tank sizes that are in liters I just automatically convert to gallons in my head. In AUS we usually use liters but we have australian gallons as well... which we never actually use and I don't know the conversion. It's not quite 64 gallons, as I'm not filling it the whole way to the top, would probably be around 54-58 gal. THIS is my opinion about the rest of the US measurements though...
The Gourami dream is indeed alive, that's why I was curious to see if pearls and sparklers could go together. Just imagining a shoal of sparklers swimming along with the neons while the pearls just lazily dirft around... I think I agree, I like things that are different, and also am trying to get away from the 'stereotypical' aquarium (although I can't drop the neons and cories, stereotypical as they are they're just too cute and I LOVE shiny fish).
It is funny about gallons/liters, we usually use liters but to me gallons just makes sense in an aquarium and any tank sizes that are in liters I just automatically convert to gallons in my head. In AUS we usually use liters but we have australian gallons as well... which we never actually use and I don't know the conversion. It's not quite 64 gallons, as I'm not filling it the whole way to the top, would probably be around 54-58 gal. THIS is my opinion about the rest of the US measurements though...