What was your first fish?

1st fish i got was a group of 9 glow light tetras . i knew nothing of cycling etc was just told let the tank run for a week before getting fish. me being impatient waited 3 days and had to have fish so i went and got them then had new tank syndrome they all got ich and died.
then i found this site and learned how to do it right.

1st fish i researched properly was severum which i keep today .
I think we should break this in three, what was your first fish, what was your first fish that you did research on, and do you still have any of those fish?

My first fish ever were zebra danios and black skirts.

The first fish I researched were livebearers.

Currently of these fish I have one zebra danio who hitch-hiked in a bag with a betta.

How about you? :p
mine was also zebra danios
My first ever fish were Siamese fighters dont have either male or female any more
I am currently researching Gobies I have three bumble bee gobies
First fish was a betta, put him in a gallon-or-so jar with no heater :crazy: set him behind my laptop most of the time so relied on the laptop's heating to heat it... don't remember if I had a thermometor or not!

Now I know better.... until recently my (new, not the same guy) betta was in 3.5 gallon tank with a 25 watt heater, but now he is in with my harlequin rasboras in the 29 gallon, doing well together :good:

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